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House Mod for Many Companions


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Hello everyone. I am new to the forums and to mods aswell. I know saying I'm new sets me up for possibly getting myself into trouble so I will say I did look around before I posted, I didn't put this into a request as it is not a request unless there is nothing out there that suits me. I am on a search for a mod player home that can hold about 20+ Companions. I alternate on my companions a lot lol!! I know of Frost Crag Reborn but the problem with that is that the only non user owned beds are all in one loading cell (I think that is what it is called) so it lags me a bit, not too bad just a little more than what I'd like and it also doesn't hold enough sleeping spots. And that doesn't exactly consist of the style I am going for. I am searching for a mod that has atleast 5 non player owned beds in about 4 different loading cells, preferrably one with stables. As far as the rest of the features of the house I am looking for something that isn't absolutely huge, and has plenty of accessibly seating spots, a long dinner table, it would have to be very companion friendly, something that doesn't require a lot of FPS, and with good path grids?? The rest of the features won't matter and any help is GREATLY appreciated if someone could point me to the right direction. It can even be seperate buildings as long as it's in the same area on the map =) Thanks to anyone that can help me and point me in the right direction!! Castle Mods are welcome aswell!!!! :wub: Jeremy
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Lots of views, and no replies, so I'll at least (maybe) get a discussion started here.


I don't know of such a mod and I doubt anyone is going to make one that could put 20 NPCs into a single interior cell. The problem is that NPCs, including (and possibly especially high-scripted companions) take up a LOT of Oblivion's computing resources. Just ten NPCs can lag a system badly unless you have a high-end rig. Get up to fifteen and all but the best PCs are going to be a bit strained. I can't even imagine having 20 in a single house. What you'd likely find is that most of them just stand around in "idle" waiting for the game engine to catch up with them.


You would really have to segregate the companions into different "loading cells" -- i.e. rooms which are separated by doors that are transition points and not just openings to other parts of a larger cell (I assume that's what you meant by that term). And, you would have to have some method of preventing NPCs from traveling across transition points, or they might just wander all into the same room. Unlikely, but it could happen, depending upon the layout of the house.


Basically, I think you're carried away with companions. I don't use them, myself, but if I did I'd only have a few and they would probably be based out of different areas, say one for each of the houses I own, maybe a couple in a castle if I own one of those. If you really want a mod to support lots of companions you might have to go into the CS and add beds, yourself.

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I use CM Partners myself and agree with Ferryt totally on this. When I get six of my companions in one of my houses it turns into a slide show (well nearly, just barely playable). I have my companions spread out Cyrodiil, two three or four to a location. They help populate various Inns, all my houses have at least a couple. There are a few unoccupied campsites (no respawning bandits) that now have occupants, just drop by with some food and drink every now and then. It's also nice that even if I'm travelling solo I don't have far to go to pick up some backup or company.


Emma's houses are all developed as companion ready (path gridded and beds and chairs permanent). I use the console when necessary to make beds available if I'm 'occupying' a house (one where the NPC has died and I'm not resurrecting them). There are plenty of buildings in Cyrodiil, even if you're not willing to use the Construction Set.

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Well while I do love my companions and all of the work I put into selecting each one of their attires and outfits I'm actually considering uninstalling all of the normal CM based ones as my game is suffering from a lot of lag already as it is. From the looks of it I'll only be keeping 4 companions, which are not the CM based ones, Dairânath Avari, Stoker Wolff, Viljia, and Neeshka (And Possibly Ramy the thought is there) But lately my game gets CTD when I quick travel with my horse near me, not all the time just now and then so I am undergoing the process of trying to figure out what might be causing it and I've double checked and triple checked my load order, I'm considering uninstalling and reinstalling with just my companions that are not cm based and both of Apachii's clothing stores and a few more small mods, my game has about 90 .esm files it's loading each sorted very carefully and everything is patched so I don't know what causes it, but I think it's something to do with my companions. So on that note, I'll be searching for something that can hold Dairânath Avari, Neeshka, Stoker Wolff, and Viljia, preferrable with stables and fps that doesn't lag and good path grids, I am very new to modding my game so I hope I've said everything correctly. Also is anyone aware of anything I can use to better my game performance and keep it with a decent set of graphics? Anyways any input is greatly appreciated, thanks again!! =)



Edit: Also if it helps anyone that ready this and may know what could cause my crash, I only travel now with Neeshka Viljia Stoker and Dairânath, the rest of the companions are far far away from me and do not have mounts either. (atleast not that I have assigned them to)

Edited by nemesisjay
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I haven't got around to using this one yet myself, but one that has caught my eye is Colovian Estate by Blackbelt. Not sure on the sleeping accommodations, and it does sound like a bit of an ongoing quest attached to it. If you have the Fighter's Stronghold DLC, Battlehorn Castle is reasonably companion friendly, except they wind up sharing beds with the castle guards. I keep four of my favourites there. Another option is use the Construction Set to add some beds to one of your current houses. I have four beds added to Benirus Manor basement first level that I use for the extra NPCs I've added using the CS.


I noticed that after I installed CM Partners my CTD frequency increased. It still hasn't dropped back to zero, but by leaving them parked most of the time in various houses and Inns it is much less of a problem. I keep all my horses at Battlehorn so I don't fast travel (your last used horse will automatically show up if you do).

Edited by Striker879
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