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Toaster Says Share where is the lip sync file stored?


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First off thanks to all the modders out there who have made this an amazing game. I am new to this but learning quicky. I have toaster says share and none of the npc's have stored voice files... I have figured out how to make my sound files active but I cannot see a way to make the lip files I created get recognized by TES construction set. I realize that this was created without lip files but their is a lip sync used... It is extremly long and if I can just figure out where it is stored I can insert my own... can anyone help?


This is driving me crazy... a 7 second lip sync for the word YES?


Thanks in advance



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Have you considered the OBSE plugin Elys Universal Silent Voice?



Thanks for the suggestion, but I want to keep the voice files. I just can't figure out where the lip file is being drawn from. and some of the dialogue isn't 8 seconds long. It's like watching a bad english dubbed martial arts film lol... If I can't figure it out, I will just create my own companions from existing npcs and insert my own voice files... that way I can generate the lip files myself the only problem with that is using global dialogue will change the greeting of all npcs everywhere...

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Have you considered the OBSE plugin Elys Universal Silent Voice?


As it turns out, one of my mods must incorperate USV in it... this appears to be exactly what is happening. If I delelte the non sound files and replace them with generic, the lip files show up... thanks for pointing me in the right direction....





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