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BBB question


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Lots - Try typing name contains "BBB" in the search box. The do a search in the animations section. Then redo the search in the "Oops I forgot" section. Remember you'll need BBB-enabled clothing for your chosen cup size to see anything - those should show up in the second search. Edited by MarkInMKUK
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Once you have a BBB skeleton working and a selection of BBB clothing/armor I recommend Xtudo's Personality Idles - Modified version - NPCs and companions - v1.4. It is easy to use the CS and further modify it to your personal preferences.
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Thank you all for your advices, but what im looking for is basically an animation set like "UFF FF00 BBB" which covers all basic moves, but a bit more bouncy to fit for my character. I just cant find any other besides "NoMaaM" which is a bit too bouncy for my likings. (I got all the armor stuff and skeletons already )


Ty all in advance =)

Edited by Brokkoli
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