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Region Editing for Dummies?


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Hi. I've finally gotten a custom worldspace created and looking almost like I want. So, now I'm to the point of region editing.


However, all the tutorials I've found appear to assume that I know all the terminology and have very few images or just plain "layman's terms" for how to go about creating and filling regions.


While I do understand most of it, one thing eludes me.


How do you know /where/ you're adding forests or fields or whatever? When I open the region editor, all I see when I try to create a 'new' region is a bunch of solid white behind a grid.


I'm assuming I need to know what coordinates comprise any particular region. But, I can't tell on that solid white area where it is in my world. Any time I right click and try to see a particular spot in the render window, nothing happens. It doesn't show anything but a solid color.


If my worldspace could be seen "behind" the grid, instead of just solid white, it'd be a heck of a lot easier.


So, is there any way to do that? If not, short of running around ingame and writing down various coordinates for various areas and hoping they end up right, I don't know how you know where to put things.


ANY help (in layman's terms, please) would be greatly appreciated. I'm really anxious to move on to the next step and get my world created.


Thank you for any and all replies and help.




Edited by CMS47
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Is there really no tutorial for the layman? Or anyone who can explain why I cannot see an overlay (or underlay?) of my worldspace in the region editor? Or if that's even possible? Or if it's a bug that the render window shows nothing and, if so, how to fix it?




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Each grid represents a cell in you worldspace. Hovering your mouse over each square will reveal its respective coordinates as well as the cell name. For example what I did was name four or more cells MyRegionPointOne/Two/ect. Then I would write down their coordinates and find and mark them in the region editor.


I don't believe you can get a proper visual representation or if your even supposed to but unless someone else has a solution this is the best you're going to get. :P

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Not sure how big your worldspace is, but you can use Tesannwyn to create a map for you.

Pretty sure it will have to be in multiples of 1024 (32 cells).


You can follow this tutorial to create a map, which helps you map your regions and then place coordinates in the Region Editor.



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