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A few custom weapon bugs...


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Hey all.


Currently working on my second custom weapon, and have ran into a few problems that have got me clueless.


First off is a texture error. One of the mods for my weapon changes the texture, but it isn't working for some reason. When dropped, the weapon looks like this. However I have tried using a new texture set in GECK and setting a new file path in NifSkope but to no avail. This one really has me confused, because I have successfully changed a texture in NifSkope before, but this time I can't seem to repeat my success.


Second is an issue I have never seen before. My gun when held and used in first person works fine, until you reload the weapon. For some reason once you reload, the magazine and charging handle get moved out of place and don't return to the start position. This bug can be remedied by reequipping the weapon, but I'd rather iron out this issue before release. I noticed that the parts get misplaced as soon as the reload starts, so I'm assuming it might be caused by the animation? I have absolutely NO idea why this would happen, since I have used the same method as I always do when making weapons successfully, yet I haven't ever come across this bug before.


Hopefully the images I have provided will prove useful, and hopefully someone experienced in creating custom weapons will come along and help me out. Any help on fixing these errors will be greatly appreciated.


Thanks, bayk.

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For your texture problem you might want to check your BS Shader Flags, having SF_Multiple_Textures accidently set can cause that kind of issue.


Can't say I'm all that experianced with weapons but your magazine issue is most likely coming from the animation file telling the ##clip node to be in a certain position, try moving the ##clip node back to it's default / vanilla position and move / transform your magazine mesh relative to the node instead.

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Unfortunately neither of those suggestions worked :sad:


SF_Multiple_Textures wasn't checked, and setting the nodes to 0 and moving the mesh just reversed the issue, meaning the mag and charging handle were out of place all the time.


EDIT: Solved the reload animation problem. My OCD got the better of me, and by renaming the parts of the .nif in NifSkope so they looked uniform I screwed up the animation. Unfortunately I'm still stuck about the changing texture bug.

Edited by SGTbayk47
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