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New Races for Skyrim?


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In Game Informer they revealed that there would be 10 races. Assuming they stick with this number and don't swap one race for another (both of which are near-certain) - I think there will be no new races. They've done well with keeping the same races for the past two games, and I can't see them needing to add anything new until they venture into Elsweyr and Black Marsh.


I'd like to think they'd sneak one on us, but I think dragons were enough of a surprise to last me a while :tongue:

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One of the beauties of mods is that you can play as whatever you like! I'm going to be a nord with no mods on my first playthrough, then after that I'll create a Mazken. c:

Поверь многие играют как ты, проходят первый раз без модов, что бы ощутить всю игру, как хотели этого авторы!(Believe me, many are like you pass the first time without any mods that would experience the entire game, as the authors would like!)

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Bethesda probably feel they need to stay within reasonable limits in regards to the lore they've already established. Adding one or more new playable races out of nowhere would be impossible to pull off without some massive retconning.


And besides, TES already has all the standard fantasy races you need; elves, orcs, humans, cat people, reptilians..introducing a new variant of elves would probably not add much to the gameplay experience.

Edited by GenocideLolita
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В ТЕС и так много рас, некоторые совершено глупые как люди-кошки, и несколько разных эльфов, их необходимо сократить!

In the TES, and so many races, some committed by stupid people-cats, and several different elves, they should be cut!

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lets see, Bethesda has created orcs, reptile people, cat people, nords, imperials, wood elves, etc. BUT, they are missing a few races...what happened to asians, hispanics....xD (in all seriousness there should be an amphibian race hehe with the ability to *censored* slap people with ur tongue in one hit and in slow mo. LOL.
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once u finish game once, ogre race shud be unlocked; id make a Shrek charcter hehe with a club. OH and the radiant story for ogre race makes EVERYONE hate you except talking donkeys and u ur main quest is rescuin princess from a tower guarded by an evil dragon :o Edited by Anaconda999
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lets see, Bethesda has created orcs, reptile people, cat people, nords, imperials, wood elves, etc. BUT, they are missing a few races...what happened to asians, hispanics....xD (in all seriousness there should be an amphibian race hehe with the ability to *censored* slap people with ur tongue in one hit and in slow mo. LOL.


It's a fictional world, there can't be any Asian's without an Asia to be from.

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