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Ideas for Skyrim


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With the idea of weapon smithing,metalworking already confirmed, my idea to extend upon that would having the ability to accurately sculpt a weapon from soft, red hot metal using hammers,etc. for example, this would allow one to make a sword look like its from Prince of Persia videogame. Again, just an idea with its upsides and downsides; one may say, "well whats the point of searching dungeons for cool weapons when you can make ur own" and id answer back to them, the feature can be made to require a very high amount of skill or a very high amount of money or sumthin. Also, the aerodynamics and weight of the wepon could affect its efficiency; a katana with the speed of a dagger, or a two handed serrated godsword that feels two epic to swing. hehe.
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As long as there is the dwemer ruins, there better be spears and crossbows. That will be one of my mods if they are not in the game. I've had an idea for fishing, sounds corny but true. It could be another skill, and if Beth said they have it already I must have read over it. A fishing pole and just sitting and looking at the beautiful landscape. In Oblivion, there were times that I wanted to do that, using UL mod. It could also be a good way to excape, if you need to step away from the keyboard or controller. I don't know!
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well depends man...you know sumtimes ill play games to just totally escape from reality and be a hermit in my room and talk to no1 lol and other times i LOVE playing games just to hangout with friends and have fun...and from the sounds of it, TESV Skyrim sounds very immersive :) so in that case ur idea is totally awesome id love to do that too, and i think i reme,ber seein fishing as a new skill somewhere (it was with woodcutting, smithing, and sumthin else) i may be wrong if you wanna find out look at Zaldiirs Skyrim info thread
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smithing would be nice, I would rather have a lot more unique weapons. I felt too many of Oblivions "unique" items were far to similar to common weapons visually. And no just retextureing something does not count as a unique weapon. I would like more stuff like dawnfang, rather than items like chillrend or wittsplitter.
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I have pretty high hopes for this game. They could make Oblivion all over again with some better graphics and I would play it nonstop...but if I had to say anything, I would just like the little things to be minded. Like the dynamic environments that they're probably working hard on, the ability to hunt for food that actually helps you, and just things like rain that doesn't fall straight through the ceilings of stables. The little things matter and I think the devs know that.



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I have pretty high hopes for this game. They could make Oblivion all over again with some better graphics and I would play it nonstop...but if I had to say anything, I would just like the little things to be minded. Like the dynamic environments that they're probably working hard on, the ability to hunt for food that actually helps you, and just things like rain that doesn't fall straight through the ceilings of stables. The little things matter and I think the devs know that.



I sooooo want Skyrim to be much more challenging than Oblivion was---everytime i encountered a bandit or sum other enemy i had no doubt in my mind i wud fk him up real bad---but wheres the fun in that? i dont always like being the stronger one in a battle and from time to time i enjoy a real good challenge that takes skill---also, i wud lovveee if Skyrim was more of a survival game with weather, injuries, etc. affecting ur well-being.

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I would actually love to be able to LIVE in Skyrim...if you see what I mean. Oblivion was awesome, but I was the saviour of the world, the king of the Shivering Isles, the Archimago and so on...But never did I live in Cyrodiil. I'd like to hunt -that would be so nice- to go fishing, smithing...Why not having some job after all ? Having the opportunity to be some merchant after saving the world or saving the world after having been a merchant. It's almost boring to save the world...
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