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CTD when leaving whiterun


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The first thing I notice is you're running Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul with known incompatible mods, JK's Skyrim and ETaC. I don't know if the conflict between IC and the two city overhaul mods are critical enough to cause a CTD as I don't use either of the two city overhauls.


Run LOOT to sort your load order if you don't already, in case the CTD is from a conflict that can be fixed by moving one mod above or below another.

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The first thing I notice is you're running Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul with known incompatible mods, JK's Skyrim and ETaC. I don't know if the conflict between IC and the two city overhaul mods are critical enough to cause a CTD as I don't use either of the two city overhauls.


Run LOOT to sort your load order if you don't already, in case the CTD is from a conflict that can be fixed by moving one mod above or below another.

I turned off both of them and that seems to have solved the problem, thank you!

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I correct myself...I ran an unmodded test and had the same result. I'm pretty sure it was a leftover scripting issue. I'm going to go through the painstaking purge/reinstall process and slowly, carefully add mods.

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