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T-45d Power Armor Shoulder Glitch

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Every time I or an NPC wearing the T-45d Power Armor sits down, the shoulder pads of the armor are moved to the front and off the shoulders. I hear that this glitch is most common. Has anyone ever come up with a solution. I'm looking everywhere in Nexus, and it's like no one has ever fixed the problem. I know that this problem is not related to mods or TTW. It's a vanilla problem. What's the best way to fix this? And please, I don't care if you have the same problem unsolved; I just want answers, that being the reason why I'm posting this thread.

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I guess the easy way is to find a power armor mod. The armor's rig would tell it what to do when an animation is placed on it. It can be adjusted, but is a typically a medium to advanced rig operation. Though anyone working with armor rigs would have to learn it, from the popularity of shoulder armoring.

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