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Convenient Player Animations - SkyAction


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I had this idea when looking at a mod on the steam workshop, named AE Animation. The mod allows the players to perform actions such as sitting, eating bread, reading a book, sweeping, playing a war-horn, and etc on the fly. The main problem with the mod is that the system used to activate the animations is bulky at best. The powers section of the magic menu becomes filled with individual lesser powers for every single animation available in the mod, causing the player to have to to go through the hassle of going into a cluttered powers menu, and find the one they want to use, and replace their current power with it to use it. Another issue is that the animations that have multiple variations, like clapping, are given numbers, instead of an actual description, like "[AN] Clap 1". It also can't be used during combat, making the war-horns useless.

So here is my idea of how to make a better version.

  • SKSE and SkyUI functionality
  • A scroll-down menu using the UIExtensions mod activated by a hotkey set in a MCM menu
  • Upon opening the menu, the player is presented with a list of actions they can activate, like sitting, eating bread, reading a book, etc . . .
  • The names are detailed, so instead of "[AN] Clap 3", players are shown "Clap - Sarcastic" or "Clap - Joyful"
  • A secondary scroll-down menu can be activated during combat with a hotkey, and can be used for taunting or battle animations
  • Some examples would be "Nordic Warhorn", "Bash Shield with Weapon", "Raise Weapon", etc . . .
  • Most of the animations NPCs can utilize
  • Functionality for modders to add their own custom animations

I believe this would be a great edition to Skyrim, providing a new level of immersion for the player.

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Have you tried Dovahkiin's Relax? The anims in that mod are a bit random, but I think it's a bit better than a cluttered power menu. But I think that something that you binds hotkeys to do anims for would be best.

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I've been looking a activated animations for the player (e.g open door, close door, lockpicking, eating, sleeping) and found mostly native solutions to blocking activations and inserting animations which I'm really excited about. Expanding the mods goals to include some of these features shouldn't be too much of a stretch. Just gotta work out how to use UI extensions :) . Edited by TidalWraith
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I like the name SkyAction, I didn't have a name for it before. I hope to release it once I have an internet connection again which should be in a few weeks tops along with another request.


I cant easily allow combat animations though beyond default ones (e.g taunts) due to how behavior branches and seperates combat idles and non combat idles so allowing warhorn in a combat stance adds a bit of complexity that I havent really looked at.

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