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NightEye Shader mod


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And the instructions (1 is make a backup before overwriting files, duh);

2) Go into the folder corresponding to which effect you want to use, if one exists for the shader model you need. These effects are:

(List of assorted optional mods)

3) Drag the CreatePackages.bat file (should be next to this readme) into that folder and run it.
Don't panic, all this does is make a bunch of renumbered copies of the shaderpackage file (001 through 015) and nothing else.
If you're paranoid, right-click the file and select "edit" to see for yourself (or make all the copies by hand).
The .bat will work for any shaderpackage001.sdp file you get your hands on.

4) Copy the newly made files to your Oblivion\Data\shaders directory.


Did that, using a quickstart I dragged the standard novice NightEye spell into the specials for a custom race to try it out. Looked good, so exit the sewer - and a bunch of terrain tiles are all screwed up with weird textures.

Dunno what that's all about, so I restored all but the first shader (shaderpackage001.sdp) and the terrain is okay but the NightEye effect is back to default.

Question is, what is the point of copying shaderpackage001.sdp to 14 other files 2 through 15? Are all those actually for NightEye, or does this guy not know exactly which file is used for NightEye and is just taking the shotgun approach?

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Just checked, LARGE TEXTURES on. My specs;

Operating System: Windows XP Media Edition (5.1, Build 2600) Service Pack 3
Model: Dell DXP051
Power supply: 550 watts
CPU: Intel® Pentium® D CPU 3.40GHz (2 CPUs)
Memory: 2GB Crucial 667mhz
Video: NVIDIA GeForce GTX650 2GB driver 327.3
Sound: SB Audigy
Hard Drives:
C:Western Digital WD5000AAKX-001CA0 462.0 GB 7200rpm
F:SanDisk SDSSDH120GG25 114.5 GB solid state drive


Normally I run with HDR and everything cranked to max, no forced anti-aliasing though. The Nvidia driver is an older one since anything later than that is optimized for DX11 and works like a government employee for DX9C or earlier.


Here's what I get with HDR on;



Don't get that with BLOOM on but I get the default NightEye effect with BLOOM.

After a lot of swapping files and testing I narrowed it down to shaderpackage013.sdp being the one with the actual NightEye effect (at least for HDR), still don't know what the point is of copying shaderpackage001.sdp to overwrite all those other files.

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