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Item "DemonSword" with keyword "WICraftingSmithingTempering" and Constructable Object "TemperWeaponDemonSword"


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Alright so I've been digging around the creation kit and found that each piece of gear that can be improved has a Temper Object located under Constructable Objects in the Creation Kit. Each of those Temper or Fortify Objects is named with the following schema:




And furthermore each of those objects has a "WorkbenchKeyword" such as "CraftingSmithingArmorTable", whcih is of course an Editor ID for the Furniture Object CraftingBlacksmithArmorWorkbench.


Pretty easy to figure out what's going on there but I want to take it to the next level. Is it possible to improve weapons substituting the CraftingSmithingArmorTable Furniture for that weapon by giving that weapon the keyword ID "WICraftingSmithingTempering"?


Here's the actual Item:

ID- DemonSword

Skill - One-handed

Equip Type - RightHand

Name - Demon Sword

Enchanting - NONE

Enchantment - 0

Value - 0

Template - None

Flags - Playable, Player Only, Can't Drop


With a long list of keywords:












And to go along with it new Constructable Object:

ID - TemperWeaponDemonSword

Created Object:DemonSword

Created Object Count:1

Workbench Keyword: DemonSword


Required Item List for TemperWeaponDemonSword - IronSword, SteelSword, ElvenSword, GlassSword, DwarvenSword, OrcishSword, EbonySword, DragonboneSword


Match Conditions:

Little shakey on this but the sword would not require any perks and it would be upgradeable even if it were enchanted and you didn't have ArcaneBlacksmith so I figure this would be empty?


So if I just leave out that Workbench Keyword there will not be a workbench to prompt the weapon improvement process in-game. It would be nice if the dialogue to eat swords came up every time you equip the sword, that would be easy. Atlhough I am not sure if there is a difference between "Interacting" with an item (Such as the Workbenches) and "Equipping" an item (such as the sword) as far as triggering the ConstructableObject TemperDemonSword.


Edits: Forget my last comment I figured out it's much easier to just duplicate a Daedric Sword and change it's values than create a new one from scratch.

Edited by kengiczar
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