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I'm going to begin training as a police reservist


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Thanks guys. I'll be alright. I'll post stories of my interesting encounters!


I must say, I'm a volunteer firefighter, and as soon as I get old enough I'm thinking about joining the reserve police force too, but, as far as the stories go, being in public service is hilarious! I have so many stories just from being on the department for a year... and of course, we work places with cops too, so I'm positive that you'll be able to look back a year from now and think back on some pretty funny stuff...

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  • 5 weeks later...
Well, got sworn in today, I had to take the oath to serve the public and my country. Going to start the hard training soon...might have to attend a boot camp for 2 weeks as well.


Hmmm, boot camp, sounds fun! :P Best of luck. :D

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I do bet you'll do well. It is my experince that for the majority all the possible bad things in life never happens. (Unfortunate im not a member of the majority :glare: )


Well i guess i wish you good luck, though i hope you'l never need it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Working the station for a couple of months. Just came off part of the late shift, worked from 9PM until about 1:50AM


Busy night, everyone out on the streets, when I was there a lady came in whose daughters bike got stolen, then a couple who had their license plates stolen. Small stuff. Listening to the radio chatter though, there was a pipe bomb attack, one death (unrelated) and several drunken brawls.


However I was escorting prisoners, 2 gangbangers, then a rastafarian and then a coke-head. Working again tonight...I love it!

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