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NPC problem


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well, is that NPC essential?? (meaning that he can't die)

i would guess that he isn't, because he is stuck in lava, and so not dying (or so i understood)

if so, open the console, click on him, then write kill

then, click on him again (to un select him), then click TGM (god mode), go into the lava, pick up the body, and drag it to the land (with the grab key)

then open the console again, click on the NPC, and write resurrect, and the NPC should now be on the land (though save before you try this, just to be sure)


there is the possibility of using a console command for moving an NPC, but i'm not 100% sure how to write it properly, and if it may cause problems

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If you use WastelandAssassin's method I have just one addition ... make the command 'resurrect 1'. Adding the '1' to the end will allow them to keep all their stuff. If they are essential (so they're not dying in the lava, just unconscious) you can click on them with the console open (to get their refID at the top of the screen) and then go into a different cell (inside a building for example or just travel a good distance so that you get far enough away). Open the console again and enter 'moveto player' while their refID is showing at the top of the screen. You should see a bunch of package messages, e.g. wander or sleep packages, and when you close the console they'll be behind or beside you. If they're still unconscious you'll need to give 'em a quick buffin' up and you're good to go!!
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