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OBMM Problem


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OBMM Extended does not add or use the.ghost extension. I know... I have it. Only Wrye Bash uses the .ghost extension. OBMM should always be used before any other similar utility, and then closed -- it does not clean up until it is closed down. Wrye Bash will automatically add the .ghost extension to any mods that are not active immediately you open it, unless you have the auto ghost feature turned off. Do not rename the files manually!


I don't mean you any disrespect, sir, but OBMM Extended does in fact add a *.ghost extension. Here is the dev post:






etc. etc.


In fact, a fix was posted for the auto-hosting on launch of OBMM Extended:


"Fixes the launcher from autoghosting, only needed if you are unable to start OBMM and do an update."


The fix is first in the list of files at:




The question is, how do I disable auto-ghosting? That's what I'm still trying to figure it out. Because it's a real pain in the hiney. :/ Once I figure it out, I'll post the answer here.

Edited by silverbluemoon
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OBMM Extended does not add or use the.ghost extension. I know... I have it. Only Wrye Bash uses the .ghost extension. OBMM should always be used before any other similar utility, and then closed -- it does not clean up until it is closed down. Wrye Bash will automatically add the .ghost extension to any mods that are not active immediately you open it, unless you have the auto ghost feature turned off. Do not rename the files manually!


I don't mean you any disrespect, sir, but OBMM Extended does in fact add a *.ghost extension. Here is the dev post:






etc. etc.


In fact, a fix was posted for the auto-hosting on launch of OBMM Extended:


"Fixes the launcher from autoghosting, only needed if you are unable to start OBMM and do an update."


The fix is first in the list of files at:




The question is, how do I disable auto-ghosting? That's what I'm still trying to figure it out. Because it's a real pain in the hiney. :/ Once I figure it out, I'll post the answer here.


Fair enough, I was unaware of that since I hardly ever use it nowadays and haven't updated it in a long time. However, this is a seven month old thread, so I suggest you take your issue to a new thread of your own.

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Fair enough, I was unaware of that since I hardly ever use it nowadays and haven't updated it in a long time. However, this is a seven month old thread, so I suggest you take your issue to a new thread of your own.


I did apologize for necro'ing. I figured it was forgiven since you responded, but yes I am already examining the problem in the OBMM Extended thread itself. I only found this thread because it's the first one that pops up when doing a search on the subject from Google, 7 months old or not.

Edited by silverbluemoon
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I figured it was forgiven since you responded


I actually only responded because I had not stopped watching this thread and got a notification. I initially didn't realise it was so old. Besides, I am not admin so cannot 'forgive'. :)

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