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Where can I buy Chainmail armor?


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I was looking on this website's armour index, and I noticed that it said that I could buy the light armor Chainmail armor from some stores. I've looked around in Oblivion, but I don't know which store that is. Can anyone tell me which store I can buy Chainmail from, and whether or not it's a complete set? Thanks.


(I've used the search option several times on this forum and haven't found anything, so I'm sorry for the new post. If there is a previous topic about this just let me know, and I'll be sorry again. Thanks.)

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It depends on your character's level. At Level 1, for example, you'll be hard-pressed to find Leather armor in stores, much less Chainmail.


You have to start leveling up in order to see better armor and weaponry appear in store or on the bodies of bandits/maruders.


If you can chance it, you could try attacking and killing certain town guards in places such as Chorrol, Anvil or Cheydinhal. The gauntlets, boots and greaves of town guards are Chainmail, while their town-specific cuirass is Chainmail-quality.


The guards in Skingrad, however, sport Steel boots/gauntlets (a Heavy Armor item) in addition to the chainmail-esque cuirass they wear.


Attacking a guard at low level is a bit of a challenge, though, since he'll likely have other guards to back him up (the reason you're trying to kill him, of course, is for the superior armor he's wearing). It's also a very naughty thing to do.


There is one easy, crime-free way to loot the body of a dead Town Guard, but it applies specifically to one quest, and I do not want to spoil it for you. But if you're desperate for a free set of guard's armor, then go to the town of Cheydinhal and talk to folks. The oppurtunity will present itself.


PS: if you seek to complete a set of Chainmail armor, bear in mind that the "Light Iron Shield" is the appropriate shield to complete the set (there's no such thing as chainmail shields, after all)

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