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Will Skyrim be able to use 2 cores?


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This is a big question from me, because I use a laptop(Desktop needs to be fixed up-my parents havent done it yet), and I plan on getting a new one sometime soon. Im planning on getting a dual core, like my current laptop. Will Skyrim be able to use both cores?


My current computer is a 1.8 GHz(Intel chip, also have 2GB RAM) dual core that can run Oblivion with Bloom graphics and medium settings, but not HDR. I plan on getting a 2.4+ GHz dual core(Hopefully a chip that can run HDR lighting).

Edited by Garnn
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It should be able to run at least 3 cores. The X-box 360 has a triple core processor and is less robust than the PS3 in terms of pure processing power.


Oblivion was on the X-box 360 as well and didn't seem to benefit that much from single core to dual core. However, with this new generation, I'm sure Bethesda will try to harness the maximum potential for the consoles.

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