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Creation Kit Object Rotation - Please Help


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This is the second topic I've started in 2 days because of the Creation Kit. Ugh.


I'm trying to make ruins in the Creation Kit. At the moment, I am trying to make Dwemer ruins. I'm mainly copying and pasting bits and pieces of vanilla ruins. The problem is that when I copy a piece and paste it onto what I have so far, it doesn't line up. When I rotate it, it seems to snap between two angles that are on either side of what I want, passing over the angle that would make it line up correctly. I don't have the angle snapping on, I don't have grid snapping on, and I don't know of anything else that could cause the issue. If anybody can help me with this, I'd be really happy. Thank you for reading.

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I'll try that, thanks.

Another thing you could try is after coping and pasting turn on snap to grid and snap to angle, then with the render window active, hit Shift + Q your cursor will change to a red crosshair just mouse over the piece you want your copied piece to snap to when it turns white click on it and then move your copied piece to it, and it should snap together. Thai is of course the objects are made to snap to each other. To do this to another piece just repeat. When all done and you want to revert to the standard grid hit Shift + Q again and click anywhere in the void.


See this especially Working Off The Grid. http://www.creationkit.com/Bethesda_Tutorial_Layout_Part_2

Edited by Aragorn58
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