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No custom armour mods are showing up in my game.


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I've installed them all using Oblivion Mod Manager. Plenty of my other mods are working, although some aren't, but none of the custom armour mods are working. The mod manager says there are no conflicts and that they are installed and activated but when I go to the location of the armours they just aren't there. Any ideas what could be wrong? I'm getting no errors. I've checked that the mods are activated in the mod manager and by clicking Data Files on the Oblivion starter.


I've also tried uninstalling the mods and reinstalling them as OMODs, which also did not rectify the problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated! I've searched around and it doesn't seem like anyone else is having this problem, so it must be something that I'm doing wrong. Help?

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Have you tried asking for help in the particular mods Comments section. Without more specific information (i.e. the name of the mod, your operating system, location of your Oblivion install etc.) it's difficult to divine the root of your troubles.
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2nd what Striker said, but also... you did install textures/meshes to your Data directories for the armors/weapons/etc?


Do you have the items listed at all (thus suggesting you lack the textures/meshes being placed properly) or do they not even appear in item lists?


BSA Redirection is the recommended setting for Archive Invalidation (should be set as such by default).


If you are running Vista/7 be sure to go to properties on OBMM's .exe and set it to Run as Administrator, and OK it when it asks you to move back files that the OS has moved when you launch it.


Without a list of your specs and what you have currently installed, you can't really be helped effectively.

Edited by ChaosApostle
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The main cause of this if you've installed everything correctly is not having the game updated to the latest patch either for Oblivion only or for Shivering Isles if you have it. In both cases it's version 1.2.0416. If you have SI only use the patch for it and not Oblivion because that will patch both.


Most mods, especially ones made with the above patch installed at the time of creation won't work correctly if not patched even though they can be activated and OBMM shows no problems. Unpatched you can also get mod related crashes because of this.


Since you say some mods works and others don't and they are installed properly it sounds very much like the problem....and solution.


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