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Oblivion Modding Interviews


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Oblivion Modding Interviews


Confirmed Interviews:


No doubt many of you are already familiar with the interviews that Gstaff has been doing on the Bethesda blog with modders for the past few years, and this is basically a continuation of that, only these interviews are spoken and not written, and each interview is aired on the Morrowind Modding Showcases YouTube channel with a montage of video-footage of each author's mods in the background. Think of it like a podcast with a visual element.


We originally started this interview series back in November with Morrowind Modding Interviews, and to date, we've done some 17 interviews with Morrowind modders (and have many more scheduled for the future). However, I thought it was time to start branching out our series to cover more modders from the rest of the Elder Scrolls modding community, starting with Oblivion. Now technically, we have interviewed Oblivion modders in the past, but we focused more on their Morrowind mods rather than their works for Oblivion, so this series will be more focused on Oblivion modders and their Oblivion mods.


The format will basically be identical to our Morrowind Modding Interviews series, where you, the community, will recommend modders to interview and submit questions you'd like modders to answer. Each time we announce a new interview, you'll have about a week to submit questions for each modder to be asked, and so long as those questions are appropriate, they'll be included in the final spoken interview.


Our first confirmed interview for Oblivion Modding Interviews is with one of the staff at Nexus Mods, Zaldiir. He's also the author behind such mods as Creature Diversity, Populated Prisons, Viking Village, Gold Horse Carrier, and the Project Lead on Kvatch Rebuilt.


If you have any questions for Zaldiir, please post them below and they'll be included in the interview!


Once we have enough questions, we'll send a complete list to Zaldiir for review and set a schedule for the interview. Keep in mind that, due to the nature of these interviews, they can sometimes take a while to schedule, but we'll update this thread once an interview goes live!


We do also have tentative interview with Emma, the author behind Companion Vilja and many other Oblivion mods, but we've already submitted the questions for that interview and now we're just waiting for an available time slot to do the spoken interview (again, scheduling can take a while).


Also, please post suggestions for modders you'd like to be interviewed in the future! My hope is that Oblivion Modding Interviews can become a regular show on par with Morrowind Modding Interviews in due time.


Thanks for reading, and if you have any suggestions at all for the interview series, feel free to post them below! http://static.zenimax.com/forums.bethsoft.com/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.png

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  • 2 weeks later...

A quick update, AndalayBay of the Assimilation Lab, ShadeMe, and Alenet have agreed to do interviews for Oblivion Modding Interviews! If you have any questions you'd like asked during any of their interviews, please post them below and they'll be included when each interview is recorded!


Two modders whose work has had a tremedous impact on the game lately are Alenet (Oblivion Reloaded - OBGE v4) and Maskar (Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul along with previous work).

Thanks for the suggestions! Alenet has agreed to do an interview, and I'm still waiting to hear back from Maskar but hopefully they'll be up for it.

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The first official interview is now online! In this first episode, we're talking with Zaldir, the Project Lead behind Kvatch Rebuilt and the author of a number of popular Oblivion mods, such as Creature Diversity, Viking Village and Populated Prisons. He's also one of the level designers working at Druid Gameworks on a new game called Witanlore: Dreamtime. During this interview we talk about a lot of Zaldir's mods, his work on Witanlore: Dreamtime and how modding can be a great tool for getting into game development, as well as a number of other modding topics!

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