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New models problem(any help is appreciated)


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Ok heres the deal. I have successfully created and textured a new model I'm working on. It shows up in the GECK and In game without a problem.


The problem is, once I add the item in the GECK I cant click on it to move it around with the mouse. I can move it around with position and rotation options tho.


once the item is placed where I want it. I check it in game and it shows up fine, but it acts like a static object. The object is not acting like an object you can pick up.


Is there a property or something I might be missing for my new mesh to work properly? please help if you can. Thanks

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There seem to be two separate problems. The first one is that you cannot move it in geck. Can you move other items in geck? Is it possible that your item is placed "inside" some other item, so when you click, you are selecting the other item? This happens to me when I place an object inside a sunbeam, or sometimes inside a room object (which is both floor and walls). Try zooming in, or panning the screen, so that you can select your object. Any kind of object should be selectable in geck; you can select game static items, for example.


If you cannot activate the item in game, this is probably because your nif file does not contain a "collision object". This is how the game knows you are touching the object. You can search in nifskope tutorials, or other threads here at nexus, to see how to add collision objects. You probably need blender, but some people can do it in nifskope.

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ok. after I checked that off and exported. Ioaded up the GECK. recreated my new item. and placed it. But again ,I still can't click on it to move it around with the mouse. I saved it anyway, and checked it in game.Now the item is working the way it should. I can pick it up and drop it now. but Im still having the issue with clicking and dragging the item in the GECK. any suggestions?







ok, everything is working now. my collision mesh was too small for my object. I recreated a new collision and Im able to move it around in the GECK. Its awful choppy moving it around compared to a vanilla object. But at least its working.


Thanks for your help! Cheers!





EDIT: The choppyness problem has been resolved now as well. My Snap to Grid button was pressed. All problems are now non existant.


Thanks again Everyone!

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