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Getting the best performance out of my pc


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Just looking to get the best in-game performance out of this computer without having to go to extremes. I intend to upgrade this thing as soon as possible, but I just can't afford it right now.


I don't use any graphics-intensive mods - as a matter of fact, all my graphics mods are aimed at getting better performance out of Skyrim. I already use reduced textures, Skyrim Project Optimization, and several mods that disable things like smoke, dust, and fog, but I still only get 12FPS indoors and 15 outdoors (which is weird, I figured I'd get better FPS indoors than out). I only get above 15FPS when I pull up the pause menu, at which point it shoots up to 60.


I also use Razer Cortex to boost performance.


The only way to get good, solid, smooth, and visually appealing gameplay is to play in 800x600 window mode, which is ridiculous on the huge widescreen monitor I've got. Turns the game into this little box that's too small for me to be able to read anything without straining (what is this, a game for ants!?)


I'm using a basically brand-new computer, bought it at the beginning of the year with my tax return. Specs are as follows:


acer Aspire XC-603G


Windows 8.1


Processor: Intel Pentium CPU J2900 @ 2.41GHz

RAM: 4.00GB (3.88GB usable)

64-bit OS, x64-based processor


In addition to Razer Cortex (if indeed it is helping and not hurting), what else can I do to at least be able to run higher than 800x600 window mode and avoid all the crappy pixelated edges and low FPS? I have an older computer that will run Ultra with ENB and HD textures all day long, but it bit the dust, and the parts won't transfer due to differences in the case size (that thing was massive compared to this one)...I really miss it. I've accepted that I can't get that kind of performance out of this one without hardware upgrades, but what can I do until I can afford to hot rod this one?

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Hm, you're struggling with some pretty outdated equipment considering it's a new computer. The processor is slow (one of the worst you can possibly buy on the market: http://www.cpubenchmark.net/cpu.php?cpu=Intel+Pentium+J2900+%40+2.41GHz), you have very little RAM. I'm assuming your video card isn't the greatest either.


But you should be getting better framerates for a 2011 game, especally if you're running in 800x600 mode and barely running any textures. I think your best bet is to really go through the Nexus site and find and try all the "performance" and "tweaks" you can find. If you can't run an ENB maybe you can get away with SweetFX like I Can't Believe It's Not an ENB.

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FXAA Post Process Injector (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/131/?) has been the best graphic option I've found. It runs flawlessly on this poor little piece of junk. I was saving for an honest-to-Talos gaming rig, but lost my patience altogether when my good computer crapped out on me (ironic, considering not too long after my monitor went down and I wound up on the laptop anyway). My laptop had actually been running fairly beautifully, but my girlfriend accidentally cracked the screen, forcing me to fork out for a new monitor. I do intend to upgrade this worthless junkheap eventually, but I don't know when that will be.

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