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Retextured/meshed white mages robe so that its not really.. white? I've seen it in somewhat daedric colors before but I lost it. There was a nice black version of it in the first Carcernus Prison mod, but they took that out :l. I'm in desperate need of a more elaborate version of the white mage's robe. I know they exist, I just can't find them.


Perhaps Mage Equipment 2.1 has it?


Not really, but that has a lot of good alternatives, thanks! Although I'm still ISO the recolored white mages.

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Yea i remember seeing a that added more then just slaughter fish to the waters in oblivion a while back. however i dont remember the name, if some one could find it that would be great. :) O and i might have seen it before but cant remember... a mod that when weapons were dropped they were sheathed, not just dropped lying there
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The only mod I really seen for this was one for Azuras sphere but it didn't have any quest. My question is, is there a well done mod that takes you through a questline in a new Deadric Prince's realm? Any answer would be awesome.
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I know there is a mod for it i saw it before but cant find it again


its really skimpy armor like nipple plates for the chest and thong with really demonic looking shoulder pads and gauntlets and boots it was all black did have a few straps too i think


would like it for HGEC H cup body


Is this what you are talking about http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=19022

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I know there is a mod for it i saw it before but cant find it again


its really skimpy armor like nipple plates for the chest and thong with really demonic looking shoulder pads and gauntlets and boots it was all black did have a few straps too i think


would like it for HGEC H cup body


Is this what you are talking about http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=19022


Yes Exactly thank you


Now if the non pay servers would come up maybe i can download it

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I'm looking for a mod that will automatically unlock all types of spells at "alters of enchanting".


Like, I currently don't know very many spells, but I want a mod that will allow me to enchant with EVERY spell effect, even if I don't know a spell that has that effect.

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I would like to know what mod adds these grinders.


I can find them in kitchens and alchemical shops throughout...



Wanted to know the description and what these grinders do... So far I've tried grinding food products but nothing.

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