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Oblivion Mod Detectives


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Hi everyone, Sorry in advance for lack of details.

I saw this mod on tesnexus a while back but cant find it anymore. i also don't remember the name or have any pictures.

i believe it was a body mod that made the female characters thinner, the breasts smaller and perkier.

I cant seem to find it anymore, but if anyone else can, that would be great.


Again sorry for lack of details, and thanks


Honestly... That could be any of the numerous body replacers... Here are the ones I can think of off the top of my head, perhaps it's one of these?


HGEC (Probably the most popular one out there)


The Girl Next Door-TGND


Fantasy Figures


Exnem Eye Candy




BAB Body-This one isn't on the Nexus, and as far as I know, isn't supported any more, so use at your own risk, I suppose.


There are more out there, but hopefully one of these will be to your liking...

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Not entirely sure this is the right place to put this but I can't think of a better place then here to ask. :P

I'm looking for a mod that adds an extremely well detailed katana to the game preferably Heavens Will Katana By Imperator3, the problem I ran into though looking for this mod was mainly his attitude which I and many others found rude and selfish in a way. I PMed him awhile back an this was his response which he copied several times to other people that also asked about his mods.




You said to PM you if I wanted to download the Heavens will katana, well here its is lols I would like to have a copy of that mod as its actually better done then I thought at first glance. I'm also wondering why you haven't uploaded this to TES Nexus yet ? lols again nice sword and the angel slayer was nice too. :D



Ok, you have two variants:

First variant - search on Russian TES forums.

Second variant - if you want a direct link to mod, you must give me this dragon. Author of dragon - ancient_laws.

Other owners of dragon:





Why i don't want share mod to TesNexus? Greed of others TesNexus users. When I saw pictures with the beautiful Chinese mods, I requested for a link to them, but me don't given link, although these mods are distributed freely. I had to search on Chinese forum, although I don't know Chinese.


As you can imagine that irritated the heck out of me cause I don't know a word of Russian and if I remember right that dragon mod was only given to good friends of the original modder of the dragon an it was copyrighted material so getting it was even harder (legally) so I left it alone for awhile hoping Imperator3 would actually publicly release his mods, but he hasn't at least not on TES or any other English sites that I know of.

If someone could find me this mod and even others he has I would really appreciate it.




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Ah, so many requests from me today! I apologize. But you guys are the best =) So, here goes.

Is there a mod out there, that's publicly released, that changes the walk/run animation when sneaking to something a bit... Sneakier? As it is, it looks like the character is crabwalking. Besides Umpa's mod, that is. The only others I've seen were on Japanese sites that forced you to become a member before downloading.

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Not entirely sure this is the right place to put this but I can't think of a better place then here to ask. :P

I'm looking for a mod that adds an extremely well detailed katana to the game preferably Heavens Will Katana By Imperator3, the problem I ran into though looking for this mod was mainly his attitude which I and many others found rude and selfish in a way. I PMed him awhile back an this was his response which he copied several times to other people that also asked about his mods.




You said to PM you if I wanted to download the Heavens will katana, well here its is lols I would like to have a copy of that mod as its actually better done then I thought at first glance. I'm also wondering why you haven't uploaded this to TES Nexus yet ? lols again nice sword and the angel slayer was nice too. :D



Ok, you have two variants:

First variant - search on Russian TES forums.

Second variant - if you want a direct link to mod, you must give me this dragon. Author of dragon - ancient_laws.

Other owners of dragon:





Why i don't want share mod to TesNexus? Greed of others TesNexus users. When I saw pictures with the beautiful Chinese mods, I requested for a link to them, but me don't given link, although these mods are distributed freely. I had to search on Chinese forum, although I don't know Chinese.


As you can imagine that irritated the heck out of me cause I don't know a word of Russian and if I remember right that dragon mod was only given to good friends of the original modder of the dragon an it was copyrighted material so getting it was even harder (legally) so I left it alone for awhile hoping Imperator3 would actually publicly release his mods, but he hasn't at least not on TES or any other English sites that I know of.

If someone could find me this mod and even others he has I would really appreciate it.





Here ya go. All his other mods are on this site too.

Heaven's Will

Just click the thing that says Heaven's Will.7z


Although, I guess the mod will be in Russian... Gimme a minute, I'll go into the CS and stick it somewhere and Englishify it. Will you please send me a PM with your email so I can send you the .esp?

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Not entirely sure this is the right place to put this but I can't think of a better place then here to ask. :P

I'm looking for a mod that adds an extremely well detailed katana to the game preferably Heavens Will Katana By Imperator3, the problem I ran into though looking for this mod was mainly his attitude which I and many others found rude and selfish in a way. I PMed him awhile back an this was his response which he copied several times to other people that also asked about his mods.




You said to PM you if I wanted to download the Heavens will katana, well here its is lols I would like to have a copy of that mod as its actually better done then I thought at first glance. I'm also wondering why you haven't uploaded this to TES Nexus yet ? lols again nice sword and the angel slayer was nice too. :D



Ok, you have two variants:

First variant - search on Russian TES forums.

Second variant - if you want a direct link to mod, you must give me this dragon. Author of dragon - ancient_laws.

Other owners of dragon:





Why i don't want share mod to TesNexus? Greed of others TesNexus users. When I saw pictures with the beautiful Chinese mods, I requested for a link to them, but me don't given link, although these mods are distributed freely. I had to search on Chinese forum, although I don't know Chinese.


As you can imagine that irritated the heck out of me cause I don't know a word of Russian and if I remember right that dragon mod was only given to good friends of the original modder of the dragon an it was copyrighted material so getting it was even harder (legally) so I left it alone for awhile hoping Imperator3 would actually publicly release his mods, but he hasn't at least not on TES or any other English sites that I know of.

If someone could find me this mod and even others he has I would really appreciate it.





Here ya go. All his other mods are on this site too.

Heaven's Will

Just click the thing that says Heaven's Will.7z


Although, I guess the mod will be in Russian... Gimme a minute, I'll go into the CS and stick it somewhere and Englishify it. Will you please send me a PM with your email so I can send you the .esp?



Wow Thanks! I just checked out that site and DLed all his mods an then some :D not a bad little site actually. Now I just need to learn how to " Englishify" the rest in TES lols


Thanks Again!


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Wow Thanks! I just checked out that site and DLed all his mods an then some :D not a bad little site actually. Now I just need to learn how to " Englishify" the rest in TES lols


Thanks Again!



Yeah, if you use Google Chrome for a browser, it'll automatically translate things for you, which makes navigating the Russian sites a lot easier. If you want, I can try to walk you through that much of the CS, it's really easy.

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That would be great if you wrote that out for me :D it wont be that difficult for me to use TES as I used it alot when combining mods into one big one :P, its been awhile since I've actually done alot with mods for OB which were mostly converting all my non-omods to omods etc etc or combining them into one. lolz I'll need to reinstall TES actually since my mobo burnt out an I was forced to reinstall my OS etc, good thing I kept all my mods on a backup HDD. :woot:
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