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Your welcome oh btw I recently checked them out and they are nice perhaps nicer than those pics cause there isn't much mesh clipping than the second pic, but that could be cause of the clothes aren't meant to fit the pose so it looks like a shaped stockings but in fact its mesh clipping. and the shoes shes wearing in the pics you sent are some pumps maybe exnem pekka pumps http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13907 Well these new stockings I found seem to work alright with very little clipping if not none at all. Combine them with pumps or shoes that come with the stockings and you have perfect match and clothing you can wear and combine with armors to create some of the most visually stunning snap shots ever. I don't know why to be honest why there are clothes that don't give bonus or armor boosts, perhaps they effect what the npc's say to you and how high their personality is to you.



Faivon not sure from that pic i could only tell you 3 companion mods that add those character faces, but the pose mod i might have if i find it in game i will let you know. almost feels like this thread should be in a chat room heh

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I'd thought I'd ask, does anyone know from what mod did this hair came from?




Any kind of help will be greatly appreciated, thanks...

My first instinct would be the Beautiful People mod. But perhaps It would be more helpful to ask what mod this image )14401-2-1198271212.jpg) refers to.?


well, the screenshot came from the mod Human race deluxe edition on:




But I've checked the hairs that come with that mod, and found none like it, I'll try Beautiful People though...




I've discovered from a response by the author that the hair model has not been released yet, sorry for asking for something which has not yet been released, and thanks for your help...

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JOG's Stealth Overhaul makes it easier to hide in combat and tweaks the stealth system.

Vaults of Cyrodiil adds treasure vaults to all of the castles.

Reneer's Guard Overhaul completely revamps the crime system with disguises, regional bounties (guards in Chorrol won't know about crimes you committed in Bravil), and more realistic guard behavior.

Grumblepunk's Lockpicks lets you craft lockpicks out of ordinary metal clutter like tongs and shears.


i've looked in TESsource (tesnexus.com is the new TESsource rite?)

couldn't find it there, nor at google

please help me thanx b4


I think I saw Reneer's Guard Overhaul in Planet Elder Scroll once. Oh, well, it is here.

JOG's Stealth Overhaul: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6359

Reneer's Guard Overhaul: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5977

Grumblepunk's Lockpick: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=9258


Next time, use search function before asking.

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but i've used the search facility, this one rite?



ive put it the keyoword JOG's Stealth Overhaul, grumblepunk.

i guess i should use other keyword.

Hope I'm not Butting in but I was poking around with the search page and found this that you might like.

ACF Advanced Lockpick Mold VER2


It seems that the TesneXus search tool is very specific. If the key word you use is the authors name and if that word only appears in the field/DIV "files_info_heading" > Author< of the download files page, you must put that word in the search field Author name contains in order to find files by that author. Perhaps a field for "General Search" would help users who are not sure where on the page a term might appear. A modifier field with binary operators and or and not may be helpful as well.


Wow I also just found that searching:

File name contains
"Lockpick " AND
Author name contains

Finds nothing but:

File name contains
"Lockpick" AND
Author name contains

Finds Lockpicks.


That means the code for the search tool does not automatically strip trailing blank spaces, Not Good. The need to be very specific should be noted somewhere on the search page.


You could use Google's site: mode.

If you want to perform a more general search of the Downloads at www.tesnexus.com so that your search terms can apply to the whole page.


Type/cut & paste
www.tesnexus.com tells Google what domain/site to look in

"/downloads" is like a folder name telling Google to look in the downloads section


Type/cut & paste
your Keywords:

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I'm looking for a particular mod again.

I'm looking for a gun mod... I already found Blunderbuss and Soul Gun. I know I've seen a laser rifle before and I already got a Gunblade. Do you guys know any others?


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