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Does anyone know what this outfit is?




Also, when browsing I came across a spanish mod called Dragons of Cyrodiil that allows you to raise your own dragon (or at least that's what I gathered from google translate) and was wondering if there was an english translation to be found anywhere? Thanks in advance.

First Question: The Robe in the pic is actually a rip from the game tera and therefore not available or only allowed to link on tesnexus.


Second Question: The Dragon mod is still beta and there is actually no English Version.

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i had a mod a year back in wich u could replace the looks on armor in game with a "hammer" (item in misc i think in inventory) u clicked the one item u wanted to change and then the one u would like it to look like. i have no idea how it was done and never bothered to look into it since it worked^^


what was this brilliant mod? (i have been searchin nexus for over 2 hours now without luck)


tnx for the time u all invest still in this, one of the best games ever made :D


cya all




EDIT!!! - i managed to find it again! with some help from a friend




fashion anvil it's called

Edited by frexminator
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Thanks for the help! I managed to track the armor down and I'll keep an eye out in the future for the dragons mod. If there ever is a translation, is it likely to get uploaded here?


Great you found it, too.


The dragon mod seems to be a very good quest mod. It might be lot of work to translate it to english. But if you ask the modders and know some spanish speaking guys.... It would be fine having it on the Nexus.

Edited by Harvald
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Thanks for the help! I managed to track the armor down and I'll keep an eye out in the future for the dragons mod. If there ever is a translation, is it likely to get uploaded here?
Great you found it, too. The dragon mod seems to be a very good quest mod. It might be lot of work to translate it to english. But if you ask the modders and know some spanish speaking guys.... It would be fine having it on the Nexus.
I could probably translate that mod into English, but I rather wait until it gets out of beta, I don't like installing buggy mods. It seems that now has some serious ctd related bugs, so I don't recommend downloading it yet.Also, It seems to be incompatible with some mods.Anyway, I'll take a look into the mod tomorrow, and if only has a few bugs, I'll start translating it.

EDIT: I think I can translate it, but it will take some time. Now, I only need to ask for permission, and then I'll upload it.

EDIT2: Well, the author said he would translate the mod into English and upload it here when it's complete, so I can't do any translation.

Edited by Huntragon
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Thanks for the help! I managed to track the armor down and I'll keep an eye out in the future for the dragons mod. If there ever is a translation, is it likely to get uploaded here?


Great you found it, too.


The dragon mod seems to be a very good quest mod. It might be lot of work to translate it to english. But if you ask the modders and know some spanish speaking guys.... It would be fine having it on the Nexus.


I could probably translate that mod into English, but I rather wait until it gets out of beta, I don't like installing buggy mods. It seems that now has some serious ctd related bugs, so I don't recommend downloading it yet.Also, It seems to be incompatible with some mods.Anyway, I'll take a look into the mod tomorrow, and if only has a few bugs, I'll start translating it.


I tryed out last night and its a typical beta. There are lots of features you don't need futher on, like borderless Cyrodill and Abriel Human Race and a BBB skeleton. The models are particialy taken from former Projekts of the three. But the story isn't ready at all.


Now for the guys, who don't know what we are talking about. We are talking about the new fantastic Questmod by Aluku, Wyrmslayer & Conde. Link:



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@ Pascaliedema


Thank you for your efforts.

If you please would have a look on my post (#11649) on site 1165 of this thread, you can see that it was found already.

There I also posted a link to an japanese forum with further links to megaupload. If you want these outfits (armor) for yourself, feel free to try these links to megaupload. (cause at the moment I couldn't say much about where to find the rapidshare download-button)


By the way originally Syfr has asked for this mod. I was searching for it, because I had it on my PC long time ago. But I absolutely couldn't remember the name or where to get.


Greetings ^^


thx for telling me. i think i'll download them. maybe they'll come in handy for if the mod will dissapear. but i thought those japanese websites were forbidden here on the nexus so th't's why i posted this :)

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