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I'm looking for an animation mod I've seen in some youtube videos that i can't find/recall the name of. Basically, the mod changes the run animation for females. Instead of the normal running stance, they sort of arch their backs, have their arms raised so the elbows are shoulder level, and the hands are splayed out and slightly tilted back. the whole thing gives a feeling of "Um, like, I'm an adventurer? And like a heroine, and I'm, like, running away from the scary mouse?" sort of thing. I hope that description isn't offensive, it was the best way I could think of to describe it. I'm wanting it because it's so over the top it wraps around into parody and I find that hilarious rather than offensive, plus I'm wanting to use it in a video I'm thinking of. thanks!


PS: I've tried pm'ing the video creators, but got no response.

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Are you looking for Pretty Woman - Animation Replacer (as seen in



oh dear gods, that's it! I would have called it errr, something else based on that run. The walk is fine, mind. It suits my idea fine, overall.


I'm amazed my description came across more spot on than snarky. Thank you :)

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is someone knows where I could find this eyes?





http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=35519, probably


@Makabresku : yep, that's close one to pics, thanks!

@Mahtawa : Desu-Chan Persocom? thanks for mentioning, gonna find it :D

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Anyone know what hair and race mod of this plant girl here? Much appreciated.


the race should be Dryads, This one Luchaires or this one Xenius maybe?? :rolleyes:

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