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Oblivion Mod Detectives


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I've spent the entire past week looking for the mods used in this video: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xneo9m_bbb-dmra-ryk-swimwear_sexy


Sorry, but i don't want to update Adobe Flash Player to watch this video. Can you try to post a screenshot of this armor/outfit?


Greetings, Tobjoern :smile:

Edited by Tobjoern
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I've spent the entire past week looking for the mods used in this video: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xneo9m_bbb-dmra-ryk-swimwear_sexy


Sorry, but i don't want to update Adobe Flash Player to watch this video. Can you try to post a screenshot of this armor/outfit?


Greetings, Tobjoern :smile:





Don't worry about the glasses mod, I don't care for them as of the moment, didn't even really notice them lol



Ryk Swimwear DMRA

Possible other bikini mods

ScreenEffects (or youtube video effects)

Realistic Sunglare

Random elves

some sunglasses mod



Thanks for the list, I've already gotten both the swimwear mods required to use the swimwear, just need to find the proper DMRA and BBB mods.

I've been looking around and it seemed like I needed each of the following: An DMRA compatible skinset (texture) and BBB compatible animations. I'm going to look into those I really don't know what those are at the moment and any help identifying which ones I would need to match the one used in the video would be appreciated.


I quite literally got Oblivion because of that video and for some reason it was deleted off of youtube, finally found it on dailymotion Thank god. I'm going to assume "screen effects" has something to do with a mod that lets you rotate your screen 360 degrees? As of the moment my Oblivion is completely untouched, no mods, brand spankin new.


Also I found this: http://paparoach-slowdown.blogspot.com/2011/11/chocolate-night-tatoo-by-flingingfeces.html?m=1

It's by the same guy that did the original video on youtube, Mr. Flingingfeces, I'm going to assume that would be a DMRA compatible skinset? If it is, I still need help with the BBB compatible animations.

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Screen Effects just allows you to change saturation, colors, adding vignetting and other stuff.

Rotation is built-in stuff, hit R, keep it pressed down and move mouse and you can move to side, back and forth.


If you want still rotation, hit tilde (~) which opens up a console and type tfc and enter, now you have free look mode (where you can only move a camera and do this in third person)


DMRA doesn't require any special skinsets, i think normal HGEC textures is compatible.

BBB requires Coronerras Compatibility Skeletons or Universal Skeletons. (which are not enemies btw)

Edited by Mahtawa
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Screen Effects just allows you to change saturation, colors, adding vignetting and other stuff.

Rotation is built-in stuff, hit R, keep it pressed down and move mouse and you can move to side, back and forth.


If you want still rotation, hit tilde (~) which opens up a console and type tfc and enter, now you have free look mode (where you can only move a camera and do this in third person)


DMRA doesn't require any special skinsets, i think normal HGEC textures is compatible.

BBB requires Coronerras Compatibility Skeletons or Universal Skeletons. (which are not enemies btw)


Ok, I spent all day again, trying to get this straight. I keep having to replace the existing data folder with my backup because I keep epic failing. I feel like my mind is for lack of a better word, regurgitating everything related to DMRA/HGEC/BBB. In some of the mods I've been looking at it looks like the HGEC and the BBB mod are fused and in others they're separate. I have found so many different versions and so many different mods that I can't keep all the info together long enough to figure out what I need to get the mods to work. Plus you need other mod's to get the DMRA or the HGEC mods to work, I bought this game specifically for the character/savedata bellow and it's really frustrating me trying to figure out what I need.


My Goal

What mods do I need to get the character bellow, that's all I want right now:


Don't worry about the clothing mods and the tattoo's, and that xeo mod thing cause the links are already provided. I assume I'm going to need the Coronerras Maximum Compatibility Skeleton, I've got that so I assume I need BBB. I assume I need HGEC or DMRA, which one do I need to use with BBB or do I use both...or am I completely misunderstanding?


Sorry for the trouble, I just really need help understanding this, I know that once I understand it I won't have to worry about it anymore. I really want that character, I want it all.

Edited by DeusX7
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Hi friend


Before installing you have to instell this big race package and Xeorc4. You could use this (http://www.hjsplit.org/windows/) to merge the files together, and you also need http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=37368


How to use

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SDmT5FjUdw Part one

and part two



Then you can install the character savegame.


Happy modding

Edited by Harvald
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I think you won't need to download the MBP++ full version, mine was using lite version and working good, but of course it's better to use the full version.


just suggesting. :biggrin:

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Hi friend


Before installing you have to instell this big race package and Xeorc4. You could use this (http://www.hjsplit.org/windows/) to merge the files together, and you also need http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=37368


Then you can install the character savegame.


Happy modding


My first try ended in failure, she was missing the tattoo's for whatever reason and her face was gone. The eyeballs and everything else were there. The clothes weren't there either but that's just because I don't have the files to install them. Going to try a second time.


Also, the big race package thing is missing files, can't use it. I found another version that should work but again I really don't know what went wrong with the first try.

Edited by DeusX7
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Hi friend


Before installing you have to instell this big race package and Xeorc4. You could use this (http://www.hjsplit.org/windows/) to merge the files together, and you also need http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=37368


Then you can install the character savegame.


Happy modding


My first try ended in failure, she was missing the tattoo's for whatever reason and her face was gone. The eyeballs and everything else were there. The clothes weren't there either but that's just because I don't have the files to install them. Going to try a second time.


Also, the big race package thing is missing files, can't use it. I found another version that should work but again I really don't know what went wrong with the first try.


you may wanna use Wrye bash to check the required file, just download the maria save data, and check it at wrye bash

last time I check it, she was using XEOrc 4, so i think the ver 5 won't work :rolleyes:

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