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Oblivion Mod Detectives


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A lot of pictures have been popping up recently that were clearly taken from the very promising TC "D U N E" - however, the download link on TESNexus is blocked and the actual mod site is dead. Can anyone provide a link to an obtainable copy of the mod, or to an active development site? Thanks!


Perhaps this is what you are actually looking for:




D U N E has been set hidden by the caretaker of the work and will remain that way until they decide to make it public again.




That mod requires Dune Races to function, and that is only available on this site.


Installation Instructions:

* Requires Shivering Isles

* Download and Install Dune Races

* Download and Install <Part 1> Dune Terra (Basic Landscape Esp)

* Download and Install <Part 2> Dune (Modification Esp)

* Make sure Dune Terra is loaded first and Dune loaded after.

* Uncheck Dune Races if you are loading Dune, check it only if you wish to use it as a standalone mod.

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I saw this picture a few days ago and thought it would go with my assassin character. Is this an actual mod or are these swords made so they are held backwards? I know of dual wield mods but nothing that makes your character hold them this way. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you. http://img238.imageshack.us/img238/20/1612021206713920rd2.th.jpghttp://img238.imageshack.us/images/thpix.gif
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that is most likely from the japaniese modding cumminity,,

it could be this though:




you should probably post your request in a new tread,,

but eitherway..

this is in my opnion a must when i have started played it:


and i know that i not should reckommed my own teams mod, but still:


- they are both compatible with each other...



i think there is a good reason, that the file has been blocked from viewing..



this could be the thing that you are looking for..



Both mods sound quite interesting, although right now I'm only looking for graphic enhancing mods mostly. Guess I'll start a new thread, thanks.

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this could be the thing that you are looking for..



looks good but not the one im looking for...

... i remember seeing it in a picture of a mod that had nothing to do with claws but they used the claws in the picture...

... another thing is that i remember that the claws were only in one hand and they were gold...

if that helps the search in any way?

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Hi all,


I've searched far and wide for a mod that inserts a player diary, or writable notebook into Oblivion. Basically an in-game Notepad or something. Is there anything like this?


Yeah, I *could* use a pen and paper, but I much prefer my immersion.


Thanks in advance,


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Where can i get this outfit?




for some reason http://www.leiawen.net/ceedee/BabSite/html/addons.html he / she took them down and hasn't come back don't know why. check the Sinblood’s Pure Fantasy Mage Outfits thats what the clothes are called.


I'm pretty sure that outfit as well as several color variations are in the Gypsy Market, which I think has been pulled from 'Nexus. Looks like it's up at PES though.




You can also find it here: http://www.elricm.com/nuke/html/modules.ph...ls&lid=4376

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Can someone point me to these Cross Katanas please?

I been searching through 900 pages and I can't find these cross katanas or maybe I miss it cause I don't know the name of this katana or is there one?



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Can someone point me to these Cross Katanas please?

I been searching through 900 pages and I can't find these cross katanas or maybe I miss it cause I don't know the name of this katana or is there one?





Do you know the source of the original screenshots?

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