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That's the problem buddah, we dont have the name, but we're asking our contacts for it. I dropped a message to Changel to see if he can link me the original address of the images from the image share section, so I can ask the author of those pictures directly. In the meanwhile, it just means I'm gonna be checking out a lot of pictures to see if I can find it myself while waiting.


edit;Azureth, that could be included the BP ch2 edition v1.7.x, I'm gonna dig up and see if I can find the link, gonna do a second edit soon.


edit2; Found it. http://oblivion.forum.jpmod.net/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=50 Just scroll a bit down and there's the dload link.

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I need help finding this hair style. I know it's a 2ch hair, but I've scrounged around a lot of Japanese sites and haven't found a working link yet.




If you want some alternatives sources which are in English, you can find that hair in my cosmetics mod. Link's in my signature. Alternately, you can get it in the Sirens & Tritons race mod.

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I'm pretty sure that outfit as well as several color variations are in the Gypsy Market, which I think has been pulled from 'Nexus. Looks like it's up at PES though.




You can also find it here: http://www.elricm.com/nuke/html/modules.ph...ls&lid=4376


Thanks for the links, but it is the UFF version. I'm currently using the BAB body.

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Hello, i'm searching for days a really specifical mod, and i don't even know if this sort of mod exist, so i dare to ask. I look for something that could block the levels of your Minor Skills at 50 for example, or something that could not let you get the "Perk"/special habilities of the Journeyman, Expert, etc ranks, for the Minor Skills. Can someone tell me if such a mod exist ?
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Thanks guys. I was having problems with the Beautiful People 2ch ed, mainly because I couldn't read the readme.txt. I KNOW I installed the files correctly, yet some hair wouldn't show up while making a character. I could scroll through all the hair but sometimes the hair wouldn't change to what I had selected. I'm going to try the Sirens & Tritons pack first, then resort to the BP link if I somehow mess up. :P


Edit: Woot, I got the hair from Sirens&Tritons. Thanks guys! Now my look is completed. :whistling:



Had to turn it to jpeg, now it's ugly. :[



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@ Ethre : thanks for your reply, though i'm pretty sure it doesn't exist in fact. But finally i 've found something doing a bit of what i want : the Kobus Levelling Mod allows to choose the max for Attributes, so if i set for example 40 at Willpower, i would not be able to increase the Skills linked above 40, and cannot get the special Journeyman habilities. Nice.



I have another question, about FCOM mods, which i don't know very well : i started a game with these four ones, and saw some creatures like rabbits, and "dark" wolves. Then i added lots of others mods, not ones that add or change creatures, but now i cannot see the rabbits and wolfs anymore. Are these animals really rare (so all is normal), and from which of the four mods of FCOM come they ?

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I have another question, about FCOM mods, which i don't know very well : i started a game with these four ones, and saw some creatures like rabbits, and "dark" wolves. Then i added lots of others mods, not ones that add or change creatures, but now i cannot see the rabbits and wolfs anymore. Are these animals really rare (so all is normal), and from which of the four mods of FCOM come they ?


You need to start a new thread and ask this question in it. The best way to get help is to post your load order with it, but don't do that in this thread.

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