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Oblivion Mod Detectives


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Hi, I'm looking for a mod that's compatible with Exnem's Eye Candy that will give my character better posture. I'm tired of having my character looking hunched over and what not.


is there a mod that will give a different wire skeleton to the PC, or something similar? Thanks.




adamjgpATgmailDOTcom if you know a mod that I'm interested in.

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Hi, I'm looking for a mod that's compatible with Exnem's Eye Candy that will give my character better posture. I'm tired of having my character looking hunched over and what not.


is there a mod that will give a different wire skeleton to the PC, or something similar? Thanks.




adamjgpATgmailDOTcom if you know a mod that I'm interested in.


Try searching the pose mod section?

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I'm looking for a mod called "Better DLC Quest Starting" or something like it.


This mod changes the beginning if the DLC quests, you have to find them instead of getting them the second you enter the sewers.


I would appreciate if someone can find it for me, I have tried but all i find is one(!) link on google and I cant find it on TESnexus.


Send me a PM if you find it.

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I've been doing some researches to get my oblivion like someone in a screenshot gallery.

The gallery is from Floydian1.


I'm currently at the stage of: He/she using HGEC.

I noticed that when I scroll through his/her gallery I found out that there was the Elve race:




And one of FF races.




There were tons of additional races in it as well.


So I could understand that he used 2 mods and a graphic improver I think.

So TFF/UFF however it's called ... as I'm getting confused of so so many body mods ...


I was wondering if you could help me out to find the appropriate mods (+version) he/she used to make those beautiful screenshots.


(I'm continuing my search, since I'm my new GPU and PSU only arrives at the end of this month.)


Kind Regards from the confused Val.

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Regarding the top pic, the character with a "viney" body is a merchant NPC in this mod: http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View...918&id=5148 It is playable though I am not sure it is fully set up with all hair/eyes. This shop is set up for the HGEC/Exnem body, so I assume the "vine elf" on the right uses that. The character on the left can be used with any body mod except Eshme or BAB.


The one on the left is dressed in the clothes from the above link, and the race is the Gothic Breton, originally created by me. You can find it in my large cosmetic mod here: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=21845 or you can get the stand-alone version by maigrets here: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=19733 The stats on the two versions are different. Suffice it to say, maigrets has better scripting skills than I do, so her version comes with a summonable pet and other coolness. My version is 100% fire resistant for better vampire-making.


The one on the bottom I don't know, but you can always contact Floydian1 at PES or the Canadian Ice Forum and ask him what he used.

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Yesterday I found this pic, and I'm just wondering what mod he used on his char??

It's very muscular, and it has a crown and a bracelet around his arm...




Why do I have such a memory for these things? I could very possibly be wrong, but it looks like he's wearing the standard fur armor pants, and the arm thing looks like it's from this mod: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=9641 If I'm right then the body must be whatever this armor is made for. The crown thing I'm not sure. Maybe it comes from this mod or maybe not. It doesn't ring a bell for me.

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I'm probably going to be slapped because this is in a very obvious position in a place where I for some reason haven't looked, but a few googles and advanced searches proved unproductive.


I've looked for the source for a while now, and while I know it was apparently made by a Japanese modder who quit working on it a while ago, the links I found to it were dead.


Help would be awesome.


EDIT: Changed broken link to attachment.

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