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Oblivion Mod Detectives


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I'm wondering if anyone happens to know where the eye patch in these two pics is from. Thanks!


I know its in Apachii's Heroes store. Odin sells a version. Upstairs in the Bar there is a female vendor who might sell it for females if the one on Odin is Male only. If not try a PM or Comment in that thread and ask her where she got it.

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Well I've seen loads of good custom races, but the Males in them look either: homosexual, like a girl, or just rubbish. It might be that I havn't ran into one yet, but do you have any suggestions?


By the way, I'm not being rude with all this, its just I havn't seen one yet.


P.S. I just made a thread of this so can someone please delete it? :whistling:


P.P.S URGGH! I just noticed your last line in you're first post, but technically, I'm sure it exists? :pinch:

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Well I've seen loads of good custom races, but the Males in them look either: homosexual, like a girl, or just rubbish. It might be that I havn't ran into one yet, but do you have any suggestions?


By the way, I'm not being rude with all this, its just I havn't seen one yet.


P.S. I just made a thread of this so can someone please delete it? :whistling:


P.P.S URGGH! I just noticed your last line in you're first post, but technically, I'm sure it exists? :pinch:


Are you using Roberts Male body replacer? Also Tzgoldiz has put out the Masculine Characters series which you might look into.

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Hello I am looking for the Valen Dreth fix mod that allows him to say something no matter what race you are. I had it before, it worked once then stopped. It must have been overwritten in load order. I don't have it anymore though, and I can't find it anywhere. can someone please tell me what this mod is so I can start the main quest with my siren char. thank you
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Hello I am looking for the Valen Dreth fix mod that allows him to say something no matter what race you are. I had it before, it worked once then stopped. It must have been overwritten in load order. I don't have it anymore though, and I can't find it anywhere. can someone please tell me what this mod is so I can start the main quest with my siren char. thank you



Custom Race Fix

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I've seen some pictures of a large walk-in tent with bedrolls on the ground. I need to find the mod, thanks...



Hmm since you didn't indicate a stationary one:






Hope its one of those if not check the uploads from the modder in the second link he has a few tent mods out.

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Hey again, I've got another thing to bug you with.


I'm looking for a male (No, no big-breasted prettyface female companion) with voice-over.

I had him/it once, but I completely forgot what he/it was called.


You could choose what class he should be, as in archer, battlemage, warrior..

I'm sorry if those aren't the best pointers, but I have searched trough endless pages of companions and haven't found him, only female companions with one face 'prettier' than the last.


I can remember that he wasn't a demon, so it's not.. Az.. Azah... err... whatever that demon companions name is.

It's not Conan either.


Sorry if that aren't too many pointers, and thanks for trying in advance.

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IS there a chuck norris character or companion mod.


I looked but i did'nt find much.



In all the time I've been lurking and using this site, I have never seen a companion mod for Chuck Norris.

If nobody else is able to find one, I would be willing to create one using the handy companion mod.

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