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Oblivion Mod Detectives


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I don't know if such mod even exists, but I'm looking for a mod that would highlight dead bodies...or make them glow...or anything that could help me spot them in the vegetation




Wouldn't it be just as easy to type "tg" into the console to toggle the grass off for a minute until you locate the dead body?

ahah wonderful, didn't know there was such console command


works perfectly, thanks

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Heya, I dont know if there is someone who've asked this, and i'm almost shure there is, but i couldnt find it...


so, i' searching a mod that adds weapons, armors, both, or sth like that, that allows the bandits and other npcs to have it...


i just think there are too few itens like those in oblivion, morrowind for instance had a lot more (i think oO).. and ive found lots of mods like this, but none that allow the npcs to carry it!!


if you could help me, please...



thanks very much!!

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Here's a good one, is there a mod for combat that makes it easier to fight in crowded conditions(good guys and bad guys) to where I can get a hit in without it bein on the wrong person? the Npc's keep gettin in my way when I attack and thus, I end up with unwanted infamy.
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