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Alright guys, I got a question for you, just hope I wont look like a total noob here... well, I have to know this...


I buy and I sell a lot of stuff in Oblivion, and dam I'm tired of that confirmation window each time i wanna sell somethin, is there any way to take it off or something? and in the same idea, is there any way to make a ''loot all'' or ''buy all'' mod or something, when I buy ingredients it takes so long and you know when theres 3 or more items, i gotta choose how many, i would like an automatic buy all option in there, without having that window poping up each time, and as a lil bonus... something so I dont have to buy twice the items that are there 2 times...



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re:choose how many,

No More will remove the "How many" box. But I saw a remover for the confirmation box some where is it an OBSE mod I believe. You will probably have to go with an OBSE mod to do what you want. Looking will update.


Mero Trading is not realy what you want but its related. bit of a cheat though.

Toggleable Prompt How Many like No More but with more control.

Menu Escape is promising.http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Gripes

Sale process is mouse intensive because each item must be sold separately and sales confirmation dialog doesn't allow key presses in place of clicking. All of this makes the sales process unnecessarily time consuming.

PC Note: Menu Escape maps keys to confirm & cancel dialogs (requires OBSE).

No Merchant Barter Chatter



I. What's New?


The confirmation screen has been gotten rid of. You may now sell/buy/move items either one at a time with the ctrl keys, or an entire stack with the shift keys.

II. Introduction


With this mod, you can disable the quantity prompt ("How many?") that you get when clicking on an item stack. Item are then moved one by one. You can enable or disable the quantity prompt with the ctrl key. With the shift keys, you may move items an entire stack at a time.


III. Details


The mod only works in Container and Barter menus. It doesn't do anything in the standard inventory menu.

Hold ctrl when clicking on an item stack to buy/sell/move only 1 item without any prompt. Works with both left and right ctrl keys.

Hold shift when clicking on an item stack to buy/sell/move a stack of items without any prompt. Works with both left and right shift keys.

If you prefer the other way around (default 1 item, press ctrl for prompt), like in the beta version, hold down left ctrl and the 'T' key. It brings up a menu to configure default behavior. Here, you can also choose to be prompted at 2 items instead of 3. As well, you can enable/disable the auto-confirm feature.

There may be another out there that gets rid of the "Are you sure ..." confirmation though. I remember seeing it discussed in a forum and the comment "no one has been able to get rid of that before." And another comment, perhaps the author, saying it was not OBSE dependant. Perhaps it is a work in progress.


OK, the more I see of these the more I think a combination of TOGGLEABLE QUANTITY PROMPT updated and Menu Escape should come close to what you want Heyian.

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I would want to ask from which mod come the hair and the clothes of the girl in this shot.

I believe the hair is from Soya and the skirt from Bab but I'm not sure..

Thanks in advance.




Well.. Trollf (the author) has answered elsewhere to my question. It's a wig! the hair Biu's adventuress shop the skirt.

Thanks however..

Edited by dyfed_99
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