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Looking for fingerless gloves for vanilla body. I believe they exist here, seen some but forgot to download. If anyone had came across one, please mention it here.


Also, I want clothes (casual or w/e) for, again, beth original body. So far I'm forced to stay clad in Koutetsu's, though it wasn't that bad. I found the beautiful femme daedric armor too, so that is out of the list. It's kinda disappointing when I found a nice piece, only to discover it is for Exnem/HGEC/FF.


Its miraculous how I'm able to survive with vanilla fugly unladylike body, huh?

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Looking for fingerless gloves for vanilla body. I believe they exist here, seen some but forgot to download. If anyone had came across one, please mention it here.


Also, I want clothes (casual or w/e) for, again, beth original body. So far I'm forced to stay clad in Koutetsu's, though it wasn't that bad. I found the beautiful femme daedric armor too, so that is out of the list. It's kinda disappointing when I found a nice piece, only to discover it is for Exnem/HGEC/FF.


Its miraculous how I'm able to survive with vanilla fugly unladylike body, huh?


This might work for you. http://www.adelevk.com/oblivion/?mod=blackSwanBoutique


As far as I know the original file is for the vanilla body, with only an update patch for adapting it to FF here on Nexus.

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Its miraculous how I'm able to survive with vanilla fugly unladylike body, huh?


Yes, isn't it nice, we actually have CHOICES.




Rouge hair. It may be in some of the cosmetic packs here on Nexus. It's in MHE for sure, though I renamed it to "rogue" hair since that made more sense to me. I believe it's in one of Apachii's mods as a wig as well.


Yup that Rogue/Rouge mis-spelling thing always peeves me too. "Rogue" is a villainous scoundrel, "Rouge" is what little old ladies paint onto their cheeks.


That hair was originally in the 2ch Hair Explosion Pack and now can be found all over the place.. You can Google "Beautiful People 2ch-Ed" and get lots of links, or get Savage Artistry's MHE which is better in my opinion, and has more yummies anyway.

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I wonder is there any modern clothing done for Oblivion? I have been searching for a while.

(Both female and male :D)



Some male stuff:


Alyx Vance outfit for male remodeled


Also search for shirt and caps. You will find some nice ones.


There is also a stargate jacket that looks realy nice and some World War II stuff and some more modern soldier stuff available. :)


Good luck,


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this cassandra armor from soul calibur



I don't know if the links to this mod can be given here. However, it is called "Legendary Weapons & Armor". Try googling and pick japanese links. It should work.

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This might work for you. http://www.adelevk.com/oblivion/?mod=blackSwanBoutique


As far as I know the original file is for the vanilla body, with only an update patch for adapting it to FF here on Nexus.

Dear me, I forgot to mention I got that file already :wallbash: Kudos to you anyways :thumbsup: .


Yes, isn't it nice, we actually have CHOICES.
*cough* I guess I need to elaborate my reason. I myself wanted to try out Fantasy Figures (despite the overfluffyness of the V part), bu-ut the current race I'm using does not support the other body replacers aside from robert's. And I don't want to use robert's. Since the author didn't seem to be interested in making compatible textures, I'll be stuck with his/her beautiful Soqui race.
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@ Myrmaad: It's called Rouge because it's based off the character Cure Rouge from Pretty Cure. In fact, a few other hairs from that set are based on Pretty Cure characters (Milky Rose, Mint, Lemonade).


Oh okay then. That makes sense. With no point of reference I'm thinking about blush makeup. http://savageartistry.darkbb.com/users/1114/74/52/47/smiles/774531.gif

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