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Oblivion Mod Detectives


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Im looking for a program that takes a face from a main character you create and puts it on an npc.


Also im looking for these clothes



That's Hentai's Terramane outfit: http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=18463

Slightly altered and given a recolour by me: http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=24643

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There was this mod that gave you an amulet in your inventory that, when equipping it, brought up a menu that gave you a variety of selections based around visual changes of the character. There was one option to change your character to a skeleton and more to set them on fire or make them look like a ghost or Ayleid stone statue.


Thanks for any assistance you can provide.

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Hey guys :D


i know there are a million mods out there that do this, but i can't seem to remember what any of them are called, and i havn't found any when i was looking, so...


i need a mod that replaces the vanilla faces into more smooth, detailed faces. so that the vinilla characters and npc's look better


any help would be greatly appreciated ^.^





~disregard! found some. gotta love the "Top 100" option :D

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i need one again ><


i used to have a mod that made vampirism ALOT better

i remember having certain "levels of vampirism" and special skills depending on your level


if you can't find the specific mod, any mod that makes vampirism more fun and interesting would be nice :D

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I would like to know the source for both armors, and that of this outfit here:



looking for these also


and this



iirc, thats DSR Alternative White Rose armour.

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