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Oblivion Mod Detectives


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Thanks you so much, guys :). BTW, could you please help me to identiy the glowing orb on her hand (the second one). My character is a mage. Then, I think It'd be great for her to hold flame or an flaming orbs on the other hand :) (as a shield, maybe :) ).


Oh, and the glowing orb on her hand -> My link (well, another hand-holding glowing orb mod which is similar to this one would be appreciated).


I second that.Looks great.And identifying the weapon would be sweet :biggrin:


I believe the sword she is holding is the Frostmourne

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What's the link to Lera's blog? I'm sure it'll just upset me too, like when I see Ancient_Laws' stuff, but I'd like to see these different armors and such.



Haha, oh I wish I had a lot of Ancient_Laws' stuff too. I'm a big fan of his work. So far I have all the things he's pubically released and eagerly look for his dragons, of which so far I've been unsuccessful in getting, save for Nazagear (sp?). :sad:


This is another one of his, the only one I've found, and I'm beginning to believe the only one that's out there. I know he said that most of his dragons were privately released to just a few people, but... It always seems like you can find anything on the internet... Anyway, came across this mod site in a search for exactly those mods. Not any of the ones I was looking for, but still a nice alternative to Nazagear or Akatosh. Just click the big red button, then I think there's a CAPTCHA that you have to enter, and it should work. If not, PM me, and I'll email you.



what do you mean "the only one"? did you see the mod list in that very site? there are several other dragons in the same page, and posibly more in the other pages... you just have to browse a little... and btw.. those are some really nice looking dragons! ...remind me of a girlfriend i once had...




I meant the only dragon mod of his, besides Nazagear the Terrible, which is also on there, but isn't anywhere near as impressive. The only other dragon mount was the good ol' Akatosh mount. I talked to the admin of the site, and for anyone interested, he's off to scour the internet for Nezagaxa or any such dragon, 'cause I refuse to believe it isn't hosted anywhere.




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So, I dunno why I didn't ask sooner. Is it possible to download the Cyrodiil Upgrade Resource Pack, or whatever it's called? The thing that you need for Origin of the Mage's Guild and such. I've looked before, and all the links are dead. Is it even still at least floating out there in someone's collection of data files?
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Anyone please help me to find these pretty dress and neckband -> My link

and this beautiful gown -> My link


Dress is called Velvet Red Rose, I believe? And the neckband comes from R18PN Amy Set http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=24443


As everyone said, that's Flonne's Fantabulous dress, retextured white, with pieces of what looks like Blue and White (the tail, neck clasp and wrists decorations, though the wrist looks different).

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Does anyone remember a mod, where there was storytellers or writers who wanted to hear about adventurer's pasts, and according to your answers you recieved corresponding bonuses and weaknesses? I can't find it for the life of me.

Seems really close, but last time I used the mod it was straight forward. Go to a inn in a city or meet one right outside the imperial sewer system, and your get magicial stats or such...Like weakness to poison, or plus 2 speed for saying your a follower of Akatosh but eh. It could have been deleted.

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So, I dunno why I didn't ask sooner. Is it possible to download the Cyrodiil Upgrade Resource Pack, or whatever it's called? The thing that you need for Origin of the Mage's Guild and such. I've looked before, and all the links are dead. Is it even still at least floating out there in someone's collection of data files?

even though i do know where to download it from, you are better off using the Dragon Captions Resource Pack. as it is an upgraded version of CURP (minus the "Giskard goodbye letter", which can be quite annoying)

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