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I'm sure I've seen a mod that made bound weapons stay on you even when you sheath them - but I can't find it! Any ideas?


I'm not sure if this is what you mean, but there's a glitch for that that's not even a mod. Just damage your bound weapon a bit by hitting an enemy with it, then repair it with a repair hammer. After repairing, drop the item on the ground and wait for the spell to run out. Then, just pick up the weapon, and you'll have it permanently.

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Downloaded and tried Chameleon - No Refraction but that doesn't solve my problem. Tried Bashed Patch too but the result stay the same.

I'd like to know if there is a mod or some tricks that makes my character will not completely vanish when I have 100 chameleon effect or over.

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any mod that drastically improve the NPC's appearance and compaitable with FCOM? i hate their vanilla looks, i know theres a mod called XEO, but it doesn't seem to be compaitable with FCOM


i need one that's compaitable with FCOM thx


Do you care about lore? Because there are plenty of mods, that fix the npc's but aren't lore friendly, it makes the women and men more attractive, and adds stuff like strutty walks? I personally don't care about lore, but many do.


Younger Hotter Women



Colourwheels Sexy Female Npc's



Beautiful Women Mod (Original) Includes addons on page.



Beautiful Women and Handsome Gents Revised (Lore Friendly)


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any mod that drastically improve the NPC's appearance and compaitable with FCOM? i hate their vanilla looks, i know theres a mod called XEO, but it doesn't seem to be compaitable with FCOM


i need one that's compaitable with FCOM thx


Tamriel NPCs Revamped http://www.dreamingthepyramid.net/TNR-FAQ.html


TNR all races final & TNR - ShiveringIsles

Bash into FCOM and leave unchecked in load order {{BASH:NpcFaces,NoMerge}}

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nah i dont really care about lore, as long as its not the vanilla fugly npcs, also it would be nice if its an all in one pack (overhaul), so that theres no need to get additional mods


theres a really nice mod for fallout 3 called project beauty and a mod for dragon age called dragon age redesigned, the author really put much effort into his mods, nearly all


npcs were revamped, i was hoping for such files for oblivion, since this game is way older than the other two



im currently still installing FCOM, so if u need to bash TNR into FCOM, does that mean the mod itself was originally incompetible with FCOM?

if i can bash the TNR faces into FCOM, is it possible or should i bash faces from the previously mentioned mods and XEO as well?

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im currently still installing FCOM, so if u need to bash TNR into FCOM, does that mean the mod itself was originally incompetible with FCOM?

if i can bash the TNR faces into FCOM, is it possible or should i bash faces from the previously mentioned mods and XEO as well?


Yes incompatible. Large overhauls change alot about NPC's, not just faces.

Seeing as you going to need a pashed patch anyway it will save esp's :) and other mods can be bashed in too, XEO

Not sure what of each mod makes it into the Bashed patch though, Rule of 1 and that.


from - http://forums.bethsoft.com/index.php?/topic/775917-compatibility-and-you/

5.2. The "one" rule - avoiding overrides

(Note: Cells are an exception!)

A single entry can only be changed by one plugin. An entry is defined by EditorIDs/FormIDs. This is very important to keep in mind - while a single entry can have multiple options to customize, all it's options are saved into it. A NPC has many tabs: His statistics, his face, his inventory, his AI, his hairs, eyes, his spells, and many things more - nevertheless he's only one single entry and can only be changed by one mod - the last loaded

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i know this might not be the correct section, but to make FCOM work with XEO, all i need to do is first do a clean install of FCOM, then install XEO, Rebuild the bashed patch with Import NPC Faces-XEO checked right?

thats all i need to do right? i cant access the wrye's TNR/NPC face section so i don't know how to do it

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