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Oblivion Mod Detectives


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@andyalam: If anybody here knew about a thing like that, there would have been an answer, bumping here doesn't help. Several people have asked about this or requested this in the mod request area and the general consensus is this: Having two NPCs /characters ride the same mount together is impossible, period. It can be done using pose mods, but that's it. The Oblivion game engine just can't handle that. Sorry :(


Currently the only mod that can do it is Extreme Riding on HONDA NR500, it seems.

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Is there any mods that allow my character and a companion to both ride on 1 mount.


1 mount, 2 people on it.


Inspired by the Mod Detectives threads on the official Oblivion and Morrowind mod forums, here is the Oblivion Mod Detectives thread for Gamingsource!


It's pretty simple. If you can't find a mod, you post a description of it here and I or someone else will find it for you. I think it's better to have one thread for all the questions than a lot of threads everywhere.



:excl: Do not ask 'Does this mod exist?'. Only post here if you know the mod you want exists, but you can't find it. :excl: For mod requests post here.


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Can someone tell me where to find this piece of clothing:


And I'm curious what race that is.


That's Krista's Succubus race and it was already released actually. It's a part of the mod called Anvil Mistery House. I still haven't tried this mod in game but it has folders named Succubus in meshes and textures folders. And from the looks of armor meshes it seems that horns and hair are part of the armor.

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That's Krista's Succubus race and it was already released actually. It's a part of the mod called Anvil Mistery House. I still haven't tried this mod in game but it has folders named Succubus in meshes and textures folders. And from the looks of armor meshes it seems that horns and hair are part of the armor.


Ooh, thanks for the heads up to that house, it looks awesome. :D

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A pose mod. I can't remember if it's Goma Pose or one of the CTAddPose's here on Tesnexus. It miiight be Goma, but I could be wrong. It doesn't change the position for all the quivers, it just adds them in that position for that pose.
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I see pictures where people's characters have all their weapons showing. But I cannot find what mod does that. For example is there a mod that will show both the arrow on the characters back and the sword on the side (and a dagger) when they are all equipped? Thanks!

He probably means something like this:



In this case, I added the other swords as a part of the scabbard rather than the armor.

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I see pictures where people's characters have all their weapons showing. But I cannot find what mod does that. For example is there a mod that will show both the arrow on the characters back and the sword on the side (and a dagger) when they are all equipped? Thanks!

He probably means something like this:



In this case, I added the other swords as a part of the scabbard rather than the armor.


Likei thought, that doesn't look neat at all (No offense of course). Realistic, sure, i guess, except i can just see the guy trying to draw a weapon and stabbing himself repeatedly while becoming entangled and therefore easy prey....But maybe since I'm a girl i see things different. *shrug*

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