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Well, kalikut has decided to be cruel and only release his Chimer of Light for TFF, so i was wondering if anybody could give me linkies to awesome clothes for that body......or an exnem/hgec version of the Chimer or a mod similar to it. All the clothes for TFF i found were hideous.......but i rly rly wanna play as a golden skinned chimer....:(


Put "UFF" into search instead of "TFF." There are tons of great things for that body, you just have to know what to search for. This list may also help but I don't know how up to date it is. http://public.sheet.zoho.com/public/acidrain226/xRLaFaoj120gjwAX32u%2FXtJufOxxctfE Don't forget to check the tabs at the bottom. There's actually a lot of content on the spreadsheet.


That wig has ears built in, which means you have no choice but to have cute pointy ears when you wear it.


Not necessarily, it is possible to just swap the pointy ears for normal human ones, but it takes a lot of time of adjusting and scaling the vertices AGAIN. That's why I finally sayd "Screw it!" and just attached the awesome braids to one of Apachiis Ren wigs XD Attaching ears to those is much easier and the bangs look less plastic-y than on the original wig. Also: no scaling of the wig, since Apachii's wigs are conformulatored and fit most heads. The result looked like this: http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=78111



Muhaha. Wig mash-ups ahoy! xD

(And yes, I kept the original ears because I liked them.)


Also: it is totally possible to keep your ears if you attach the wig to your armor. The head and ears always have priority over everything else, so the ears will still be visibible. Attaching a wig to an armor though is much more tricky.


Ah but this is assuming that one has any sort of meshing knowledge. Us poor slobs who don't know how to do it have to make do with what's available.

Edited by SavageArtistry
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Err... This was all done in Nifskope, I can not mesh worth a penny and have rarely ever touched Blender XD


There is no meshing knowledge necessary to slosh the braids on another wig. All you need is nifskope an a few copy paste skills to add the braid branshes/nodes to another wig.

The only thing that is really tricky is working with alpha maps of the Ren hair texture, because I had to remove some parts from that wig to make room for the braids. The difficult thing about that is that Ren hair UV maps are using every possible tiny bit of texture again and again to save space, so with removing one bit from the alpha, half the head disappears XD That stupid thing ate a whole evening.

Edited by chakaru11
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Can anyone tell me which armor is this and where i can find it? http://img.photobuck...S/PixieDust.jpg


Oh, hey, that's my screenie (ah, how I've missed KIRI v1)!


Allow me to answer that for you. The dress is called 'Fairy's Wing' and was made by Hentai (zotman12) but was never released to the public for reasons I do not know (something about copyrights, I think...?), and is not allowed to be circulated on Nexus. You can find a newer variation of it in Hentai Mania, apparently.

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Can anyone tell me which armor is this and where i can find it? http://img.photobuck...S/PixieDust.jpg


Oh, hey, that's my screenie (ah, how I've missed KIRI v1)!


Allow me to answer that for you. The dress is called 'Fairy's Wing' and was made by Hentai (zotman12) but was never released to the public for reasons I do not know (something about copyrights, I think...?), and is not allowed to be circulated on Nexus. You can find a newer variation of it in Hentai Mania, apparently.

-Ignore me, wrong reply- Edited by Sersay
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Err... This was all done in Nifskope, I can not mesh worth a penny and have rarely ever touched Blender XD


There is no meshing knowledge necessary to slosh the braids on another wig. All you need is nifskope an a few copy paste skills to add the braid branshes/nodes to another wig.

The only thing that is really tricky is working with alpha maps of the Ren hair texture, because I had to remove some parts from that wig to make room for the braids. The difficult thing about that is that Ren hair UV maps are using every possible tiny bit of texture again and again to save space, so with removing one bit from the alpha, half the head disappears XD That stupid thing ate a whole evening.


That may be so, but I don't know how to do that much. I suppose there are tutorials out there, but my point is you're talking about "Oh, just do x,y or z!" as if we all know what you're talking about instantly. Guess we all have our areas of expertise with stuff like this - some are good with textures, others with meshes, and others with scripting. We're just not all good at the same things. Anyway, not trying to make you feel bad. I only use NifSkope to check texture paths. Anything else I need to grab a tutorial for.

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Can anyone tell me which armor is this and where i can find it? http://img.photobuck...S/PixieDust.jpg


Oh, hey, that's my screenie (ah, how I've missed KIRI v1)!


Allow me to answer that for you. The dress is called 'Fairy's Wing' and was made by Hentai (zotman12) but was never released to the public for reasons I do not know (something about copyrights, I think...?), and is not allowed to be circulated on Nexus. You can find a newer variation of it in Hentai Mania, apparently.





I know it's your screenie. Nice character btw.

Well, I have both Hentai Mania 1 and Hentai Mania 2 but the variation of that dress is so simple and I don't like it.:(

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Can anyone tell me which armor is this and where i can find it? http://img.photobuck...S/PixieDust.jpg


Oh, hey, that's my screenie (ah, how I've missed KIRI v1)!


Allow me to answer that for you. The dress is called 'Fairy's Wing' and was made by Hentai (zotman12) but was never released to the public for reasons I do not know (something about copyrights, I think...?), and is not allowed to be circulated on Nexus. You can find a newer variation of it in Hentai Mania, apparently.


Actually it was initially released to the public. I remember because it was one of my favorite outfits. It was pulled from everywhere because of copyright issue with the design, I believe.


All hope is not lost, though Kjkirimi; If you can find the German version of the Original Hentai Compilation, it will include this, along with a few other oddities that got lost in the mix (unless Blue Flame Sword was actually released in another mod?)

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Thanks a lot Timewalker. I found it :D


* geez, google won't tell the difference between hentai aka zotman12 and hentai ( pervert or perverse in japanese ).




Edit: I found another armor, but i can't find any dld link. It's a variation of Eyren's Aylied Warrior. Here's the picture.

Does anyone where to find it?

Edited by Kjkirimi
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