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I have been searching for the archeologist Guild mod but alass i can not find it for the life of me plus has tessauce been closed or moved because every link i tryed has given me the page not found message


PS I know the second one is not a MOD question but i guessed you guys would know been out of the mod scene for a long time so im a little out of date

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I have been searching for the archeologist Guild mod but alass i can not find it for the life of me plus has tessauce been closed or moved because every link i tryed has given me the page not found message


PS I know the second one is not a MOD question but i guessed you guys would know been out of the mod scene for a long time so im a little out of date


i think this is what youre looking for!




there is a download manager to download but is easly erased!

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I remember seeing a picture of a clothing mod that featured Elegant Gothic Lolita clothing, or EGL as its called ( the pic was of 2 characters, the one in the foreground wore an outfit very much like the first pic provided, the girl in the background wore a white outfit with one of the classic egl crowns) ( the EGL style, popular in japan, usually features Victorian style "baby doll" dresses, tiny crowns worn tilted to the side, platform maryjanes, and lacy maid like headdresses with roses garnishing each side ). However, I can't seem to find it anywhere! ( and no it is not the apachii goddess store mod either) I've searched for days now with no luck, and would really appreciate it if you guys could take a shot at it.


If you don't know what EGL looks like, here are some samples:

http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e61/LJNdeed/girk.jpg -- http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e61/LJNdeed/dress.jpg -- http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e61/LJNdeed/headdress.jpg


more pics can be found at:

Morbid Outlook: Elegant Gothic Lolita

+ Antique Beast +



Thank you in advance for your help!

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I remember seeing a picture of a clothing mod that featured Elegant Gothic Lolita clothing, or EGL as its called ( the pic was of 2 characters, the one in the foreground wore an outfit very much like the first pic provided, the girl in the background wore a white outfit with one of the classic egl crowns) ( the EGL style, popular in japan, usually features Victorian style "baby doll" dresses, tiny crowns worn tilted to the side, platform maryjanes, and lacy maid like headdresses with roses garnishing each side ). However, I can't seem to find it anywhere! ( and no it is not the apachii goddess store mod either) I've searched for days now with no luck, and would really appreciate it if you guys could take a shot at it.


Thank you in advance for your help!


I think Lera and Pizz Hiyoko Store is the closest your gonna get with egl looking stuff.



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I remember seeing a picture of a clothing mod that featured Elegant Gothic Lolita clothing, or EGL as its called ( the pic was of 2 characters, the one in the foreground wore an outfit very much like the first pic provided, the girl in the background wore a white outfit with one of the classic egl crowns) ( the EGL style, popular in japan, usually features Victorian style "baby doll" dresses, tiny crowns worn tilted to the side, platform maryjanes, and lacy maid like headdresses with roses garnishing each side ). However, I can't seem to find it anywhere! ( and no it is not the apachii goddess store mod either) I've searched for days now with no luck, and would really appreciate it if you guys could take a shot at it.


Thank you in advance for your help!


I think Lera and Pizz Hiyoko Store is the closest your gonna get with egl looking stuff.




ah that's it exactly! thank you so much!

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I'm looking for an old mod which gave you a custom player house (can't remember which town, sorry) which was quiet large. It also gave you a companion which would stay in the house, clean it, sleep in it and so forth. You could also start a quest/relationship with the companion. Which ends up you and the companion being in "love" with each other.


Can't really explain more than that. Too long since I had it.


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I'm looking for an old mod which gave you a custom player house (can't remember which town, sorry) which was quiet large. It also gave you a companion which would stay in the house, clean it, sleep in it and so forth. You could also start a quest/relationship with the companion. Which ends up you and the companion being in "love" with each other.


Can't really explain more than that. Too long since I had it.


Try this..: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6960

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