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Can something be done with the "eternal flames from camp fires, et


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Can something be done with the "eternal flames from camp fires, etc?


I mean, its been many MANY days...and the fires on these camp fires (etc.) are still burning.


It has rained more than 5 times and still it is burning.


Can you put it out and start it again if you want to?




This mod seems nice. But...I suspect it needs some serious improvements. Comments point to many bugs.

Edited by VGI
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Again ... crack open the Construction Set.


I was checking up on a couple of my boys last night (CM Partners) who hang out at Dzonot Cave (it has a bedroll and cooking type fireplace and no bandits hanging about outside so it's a good place to park them until I need them). There's some respawning apples and carrots so they won't go walkabout on me looking for food, but I like to leave 'em a bit of bread as well. After I set the bread next to the fire were they wouldn't kick it into the water when they wander around I thought "Hey, maybe they'd like a little venison, and I am carting around a bunch". So I drop a piece of deer on the ground and grab it to move it next to the bread by the fire (which at this point wasn't burning). Just as I released the venison the fire lights, like it was the stove and I turned it on to make supper. Flipped me out ... I thought "How cool, they scripted the fire so it would light when you slap down some meat". I just checked in the CS and I'm sorry to disappoint but Bethesda wasn't quite that sophisticated. Turns out that that particular fire has a light resource DExteriorTorchFire256wFlame. That light resource has a script associated with it ExteriorLightScript. To my un-expert script reading eyes it looks like if the player is close to the resource it will run, and lights the fire at 6pm and will put it out again at 7am. Must have been just dumb luck that I'd just slapped down the boy's meat at exactly the right time.


To all you scripters out there ... when venison.distance <= 1 light fire, get on it for me will ya!! :laugh:

Edited by Striker879
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Again ... crack open the Construction Set.


I was checking up on a couple of my boys last night (CM Partners) who hang out at Dzonot Cave (it has a bedroll and cooking type fireplace and no bandits hanging about outside so it's a good place to park them until I need them). There's some respawning apples and carrots so they won't go walkabout on me looking for food, but I like to leave 'em a bit of bread as well. After I set the bread next to the fire were they wouldn't kick it into the water when they wander around I thought "Hey, maybe they'd like a little venison, and I am carting around a bunch". So I drop a piece of deer on the ground and grab it to move it next to the bread by the fire (which at this point wasn't burning). Just as I released the venison the fire lights, like it was the stove and I turned it on to make supper. Flipped me out ... I thought "How cool, they scripted the fire so it would light when you slap down some meat". I just checked in the CS and I'm sorry to disappoint but Bethesda wasn't quite that sophisticated. Turns out that that particular fire has a light resource DExteriorTorchFire256wFlame. That light resource has a script associated with it ExteriorLightScript. To my un-expert script reading eyes it looks like if the player is close to the resource it will run, and lights the fire at 6pm and will put it out again at 7am. Must have been just dumb luck that I'd just slapped down the boy's meat at exactly the right time.


To all you scripters out there ... when venison.distance <= 1 light fire, get on it for me will ya!! :laugh:


Say what now? :confused: I'm not a modder.

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