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Where are the nif files?


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Okay, so I wanted to make a little mod that would allow the player to craft bread using flour and yeast at a campfire. I wanted to use a premade mesh, so I chose something like the mirelurk cakes. I found where it was, under Meshes/Clutter/Food/MirelurkCakes01.NIF. However, when I tried to find that file, it didn't exist. I've downloaded NIFSkope to see if that could make the file appear somehow, but to no avail. Did anyone have this problem and/or know how to fix it?


TL;DR NIF files missing/can't find


Here's a picture if that helps any


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.nif files are mesh files. The vanilla game assets are usually packaged into a .bsa file, located in the data folder. Meshes and textures added by mod would be located in the respective folders.

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