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Why wont aknoldge you won cilvil war in game by npcs?


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The rightful high queen still thinks her husbands killer is alive and that there is still a war. Many quest npcs do.


Dude is dead and his corpse can by vewied by his throne, naked and looted, with his right hand man and all the trator jarls sitting around a single table in windhelm.


I got his clothing in my inventory....he is singing with the chior invisable, pushiing up the dasies...he is an ex terrorist dictator...I saw him in solvenguard the afterlife for oblivions sake. ''Locked out of the main building of course''. Though I have no clue why whitemain is.


Point is...wars over. I am a leget war hero of skyrim, and the empire, why not aknoldge it?


I killed ulfric, the killer of kings, then systamaticly went to each of the remaning storm cloak camps and wiped them out and otherwise permantly screwed up the ones that could not be killed...but on the day of his death they did not drink nor sing....why?


I anahilted the enemy. I would think the queen at least would aknoldge I brought the murderious regicidal assasin of her husband to justice? Destroyed her enimes. Has she lost her mind in greif?

Edited by skyquest32
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Budget and time constraints would be closer to the truth.


It really wouldn't be hard to do a few generic quest dialogues that fire random comments based on the conditions met and actor voice types.

Done in the same manor as it's done for other trivial gossip and comments you hear while traveling Skyrim.


But the time it takes and voice acting for all the various voice types, comments and recognitions for different circumstances is another thing altogether.


The same thing that bugged the op, is one of my own pet peeves of Skyrim.

It's what makes you get to a point in the game and say "why bother, no one notices if I do that quest or not" or "No one notices that I righted that wrong".

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Some people will acknowledge that you finished the war, but definitely not enough do. I remember there's a girl in Windhelm, the one that works with the Blacksmith, who will now hate your guts and be a bit rude whenever you talk to her. She has a huge crush on Ulfric, so if you kill him she gets pretty angry. I can't remember anybody else off the top of my head, though, as it's been a long time since I've actually done a run where I complete the Civil War questline for either side.

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Well there are some effects. You can't become a Thane in Winterhold if neutral or Imperial until the Imperial side wins the war. It also changes some of the Jarls depending on who you side with.

I actully wanted to try the storm cloaks on one character total a nord vampire fighting for his homeland as dracula did vlad, in his history but after careful questing and talking to the man, its obvious in every sense the others in the game and what the rightfuly high queen says about him is right, from his personalty, even more.


Hes no noble honorable defender of his fatherland, he uses the right keywords, catch phrases and propaganda but I have alway been good at seeing into characters, and they are totaly right about him, hes not what that guy at the begining think he is. Even the oath tells you something, his actions, talking to him.


reguardles of his cause techniqly he is an unworthy ruller. Almost like farson in the dark tower series, not as mad but close. He is a stright up vilan manipulating the nords with propaganda over nontheless valid concerns.


Roland would say he is a agent of the outter dark, trying to destroy the last baston of light and at least half civiaztion. the emire supporters contains many nords who care about there homeland. the empire alied with what it had to for a time. yet much was ignored ulfric crap started the actuly propoblem and this helped his agenda. The mans dose not understand reality and politics.


He reaks more of dictator than noble king. In history the all use the same tacticts its cookie cutter. I guess even my darkbrotherhhod vampire is not twisted enough to exspernce this content on the scale of badness it would bring to all of skyrum.


durniver or actully parthanex would make a better high king if that tells you anything, only because at least his not a hipocrite, with a slowy develping jesus complex. hes honest at least. That is a drramatization obviously but you catch my meaning.

Edited by skyquest32
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Your grammar and spelling are torturous to the eyes.

Your rudeness in pointing this out, is torturous to the mind and heart...and brother, I fear for your very soul....do you feel the daedra licking at your heels?


See how pointless and innane such comments are?


In any case ulfic iwould make a horrible high king and in future likely events lead skyrim to ruin.

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No, I meant that I can't respond because I literally cannot translate what you are saying.


There is some possible pronoun trouble in that he doesn't make it completely clear who he is speaking about, but he seems to be saying that Ulfric talks a good game but seems (to him) in it for the power and that he feels Ulfric is better at spouting propaganda than actually caring about the people.


(correct me if I am wrong on that please, Sky... that is the interpretation I had of your post)

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