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cm partners and horses


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From the CM Partners FAQ (included with your download of CM Partners ... this is item #5):

“Why don’t the Partner NPC’s ride horses?”

Almost all companion mods have a single companion, and it is fairly easy to add a horse for one NPC to ride, now that modders have worked out the scripting required. However, The CM Partners Mod has many NPC’s, which makes the scripting much more complex. I can’t add a horse for every Partner NPC in the game or might be added to the game by others. Too many horses would mean loss of frame rate at some point. I’d need to add 6 horses that could be reused by any Partner NPC, since 6 companions is all that is allowed by the game engine at any one time. The scripting would have to track every horse, determine which horse was available to be ridden, and place the horse at the NPC that needed him. You can see how complicated this can be. I may work this out at some point, but not anytime soon.

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