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Missing esp's


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I have two mods installed with OBMM and they don't show up on the liss in either Wyre Bash, or OBMM. The mods are Sexy_Maid_of_Chorrol_v3_1_1_OMOD_-_English-33676 and EY_Queensarmory. They both have blue boxes by them in OBMM. Don't know why the esp's don't show up.


Also, I have several mods installed that are not recognized by BOSS so BOSS puts them at the end of the load. They need to go up higher in the load, but I don't know how to move them in BASH before I build the patch.


Figured out how to set the load order...still don't know what to do about the missing esp's....

Edited by DanielLINY
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For your load order (in case you aren't aware) you can utilise BOSS' userlist.txt (read the readme).


Regarding your missing mods, I am betting that you have Oblivion installed to 'Program Files'. If this is the case, Windows stores your mods elsewhere and OBMM and Wrye Bash can't find them. Solution: uninstall Oblivion and reinstall it outside of Program Files, somewhere like C:\Games\Oblivion. Never install games inside Program Files.

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