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Your Dragonborn, what sex will it be?



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  1. 1. What sex will your first character be?

    • Male
    • Female
    • Neither

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Don't see many wood elves....

Female wood elf! Archer of course and will be testing how the new 3rd person camera performs for ranged players : )


This also brings up the question of how archery will mesh with magic.

I hated the fact that we had such dull magic effects, just a crummy glow and sound effect.

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Female Dumner with Blue skin like the one with the Alcemy shop in Obliv (got ta stop hanging out there Im not dead yet...)

and ah cool name like Demona Manhater or Destroyer of Man (the last name is not talking about the sex of the race)....scale at .96...



Female Khajiit (extra fur tection from the cold).......scale at .96 soooo......



Being a steathy Bow using Assassin shooting from the shadows and poison tipped arrows ,and if they keep the the maga damage for the dagger sneak attack, poisoned daggers two at a time ? huh might be fun .Well not for them .


Male Empiral as I m always Right and civil and I can bring some civil manners to the savages , Show them the how back word mangy and illmanard ,back ward they are ....Sky rim enyone see a bath house there yet?

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I might have a male for a secondary file, but I usually prefer playing rpgs with a character of my own gender. Makes it a bit easier to get into character. Haven't settled on race, probably a Dunmer but I kind of want to wait until there's some good custom races (like Xenius' Deep Elves). Edited by suidery
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Well in almost all RPGs I play I use female chars although I'm a guy.Sadly when I first played Oblivion for the first time female armor models were not feminine at all and was disappointed even with HGEC and countless armors for females I couldn't roleplay as I wanted and didn't feel part of the world(mind you I have played as female with custom armor but only for short periods of time and for fun meaning didn't play serious) and so I played with male and do so now.Now for Skyrim,as I've seen so far the models,bone structure and animations seem really good and if "Beth" considered the female aspect I would play as a female char.Probably an Imperial.Don't know what class with the new mechanics and new skills and perks yet.
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Male, Argonian will be my first character... if the Argonian for some reason look like crap ( D: ) I will play a Male Khajiit.


Because males are just sexier then females... to me. :P

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