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Problems with Kyoma's Journal Mod (second time)


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Hey guys.


I made a topic last year in regards to getting Kyoma's Journal Mod to work and thanks to Shadowfen and Tom I was able to get it to work, but now that I'm playing again I can't make it work (pressing J to bring up the journal.)


Here's what I've done so far:

- Downloaded OBSE, OBMM, plugins and the mod itself

- 50/50 installed the mod correctly



There's an omod conversion data folder in the folders and crap, but there's nothing I can use to add an archive with with the add archive function. But, I found out what I did last time to make the OMOD-Ready option work (add folder) and it compiled everything correctly *I think*, but now I'm prompted with a text box saying "Kyoma's Journal Mod requires Oblivion Script Extender v16 or higher" despite me havng v0019b. I think I had this issue last time as well.


Any tips?

Edited by reGGinator
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Have you tried what you did last time?


Your previous topic about issues with the mod


You can thank Striker879 for trying to help you out this time, they were looking for ways to help you when they contacted me.


I hope it solves your problem this time around as well.


Edit: fixed link.

Edited by The Vampire Dante
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