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Dead Money not all companions togheter?!?


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Just a quick question, would i need to create a seperate script for bof GoD and DoG as they both have a different reference?


Think it's time for me to learn scripting in the fallout universe :D


They have two different REF:


NVDLC01DogREF for Dog


NVDLC01GodREF for God


but I think that is enough to do only a single script to teleport... or in the script you can add all two togheter REF!!




I hope (but think) with this method you dont have two supermutants teleport to you!!! ;D Let me know!!!


I'm just hoping the Unlimited Companions guy can make a patch for Dead Money...


I hoping too... im waiting for this patch!!! :happy:

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@EVilKeNn: It needed both references but only one of them turned up- might have been nice to have a Dog body guard ;)


Ok! :thumbsup:

I want now transfer Dead Money companions in the mojave!!! but for this i want a unlimited dead money companion patch!! :rolleyes:

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Same here. Maybe not bringing them to the Mojave, but I want all three Dead Money companions following me at once while during the events of Dead Money at the Sierra Madre.


I mentioned Unlimited Companions not working for the Dead Money companions in the mod's comments, and I even mentioned how Dead Money breaks the mod itself. But no response. Maybe he doesn't check his mod comments much. Think I should message the creator?

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Same here. Maybe not bringing them to the Mojave, but I want all three Dead Money companions following me at once while during the events of Dead Money at the Sierra Madre.


I mentioned Unlimited Companions not working for the Dead Money companions in the mod's comments, and I even mentioned how Dead Money breaks the mod itself. But no response. Maybe he doesn't check his mod comments much. Think I should message the creator?


Yes, you can try send a message to creator... Let me know!! :laugh:

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He's/She's replied with a post on newvegasnetwork, it's a no-go with him/her.


Yes i read his post... :sad: he dont play fallout in this time and he dont release a new version for now... :confused:

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