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CTD - Contact with Sektoid Commander


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Hey Guys,


my first encounter with the Sektoid Commander is always the last one. Game crashes immitiatly after first contact.


Unfortunately this isn't the first misison I can not fullfil due to CTDs. Pretty frustrating, because i really appreciate the long war mod.


Any suggestions?

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Long War bug reports should be posted in the appropriate Beta Feedback thread in the "Long War" download page "forum section" for a quick response. (The LW Team has stated they don't check the main forum at all anymore for problems. Really, the dev team is the most likely to be able to help with a LW issue but anyone else who can also will be there.) You may also find that the answer is already known and posted in that section.

Be sure to read the document included with the LW download on reporting bugs. They need all the information requested there to be able to help. If they can't reproduce the problem, they can't fix it.

While the LW installer handles any code modifications for you, it is still necessary to prepare your system for mods as laid out in the wiki article "Basic Guide to installing mods". The "Environment" section in particular still applies to LW.

The first recommended fix is always to upgrade to the latest version. Be sure to check the release notes for the effect upon a saved game.


Edited by dubiousintent
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